Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rodcast 2: Loud (pt 1)

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all right welcome to the iron rod cast we made it to number two hey we weren't shut down yeah exciting the in the in the 24 hours since we closed it up number one first and approaches and shut us down and and we weren't actually hit by lightning or anything so no actually the weather got better oh yeah 52 degrees it nice yeah now it's been the world of the little race please alright anyway I'm John and who else is here I'm Peter Nash when it's red and hello where this is number two and this is going to be interesting because for Sunday school this week once again I wasn't there I'm never there but for Sunday school this week we have like a weird guest speaker kind of weird thing so we were wondering if we were even going to talk about it oh you're not oh yes we are these two gentlemen seem to want to talk about it now let me just ask okay before I ask you how it went I I was I mean I was grabbing people you know to get interviewed for the bishop today and most people like Graham seem to say positive things about you know what occurs in Sunday school in priests are really society today okay here's my fear we haven't gotten to this in regular Sunday school yet but eventually the Israelites make it down to the valley this is before the like okay you're going to spend 40 years in Sinai now like they come to the valley of where the Israelites land is supposed to be and they go down and five people come back and say oh it was fantastic it was wonderful it was great and another five people come back or sorry symptom 6 I think it was and they say oh man it was awful it's horrible there's just there's these people there it's going to be a bloody battle I thought it was ten and two maybe maybe that's what it is John I haven't studied that far ahead but I'm at any rate if the Lord gets upset with them because they don't come back and espouse the positive things right and so I'm afraid that I'm gonna be one of the ten who is completely negative well they still a necessary part of the story kind of like how judas iscariot in the celestial kingdom because he did fulfill departed oh ha ha ha for those who don't know that look sarcasm coming from John right there I don't know about that well my point in saying that was it was our chasm but the question is was that sarcasm how do the melody board - great ha ha the people that I spoke to didn't have a positive take on it okay and most of them came away I was like what in the world is that I actually have a take on different takes but I would rather discuss the first and then talk about Johnny I need to say what a day late was so what was it so this school yeah I actually missed first image because I was mistake meeting but from what I understand we were it was a combined lesson I was gonna it was the whole ward for two hours it was Sunday school and into it was state conferences what it was that's next week yeah I kind of added a form of state contracts from sure it was a special speaker I don't know who arranged it I don't know well came from she came from because her son apparently is in the ward he's new in the ward yeah and I wouldn't have pegged hers that old I was thinking like mid to late 30s but I guess if he was 18 yeah I guess he yeah she did seem kind of young well she maybe comes from a family that has good gene because if you look at her brother who apparently there's Lloyd Newell he was in church today yeah yeah he's my brother he void the old like Joe was in our class that I look around I know you should have sworn so loud where was no out I wanted to record my voice mail hey what you wrote a college phone I wish somebody that is because you know what about them sorry ah that's my go-to for any famous person who's famous for their voices like we read goodbye boys oh oh dang I washed out Connor just say that I'm the last of the dragons anyway so going back she's a life coach I got that from the lesson yes that's a mother of five life coach yeah re she think that was her qualification yeah the lesson I still don't know what it was odd Ivy I do but I don't here's obviously well when I walked in there was some everything the room was animating like there was an abbess room we go okay there's something cool going on here we had both sides open so two different blackboard she had a different area right here on one blackboard small kids could see but essentially she had two boxes up one box is full of positive words adjectives states of being the other one was negative words adjectives did to me and took this to boil her lesson lesson lecture lecture down in motivation into the very end the what posit not a little bit the main positive thing I got at the end was that she said look if you haven't if you're in a negative state in your life or negative thoughts coming to your negative feelings or whatever combat those with your positives that are specific about you for example if you're a I don't wear what she is like a you know it if you're a hard worker to know what was it I can't remember how she did a bit if I said the positive about you and focus on that so if you get like and I she was using our friend chase as a an example because he's cheap like that's what he says like yeah girl say I'm cheap that's a bad thing she was trying to say okay well skill say you're cheap then you yourself think you're yourself think you know I'm cheap and you get down to yourself and that's the bigger enemy is not other people it's how you feel about yourself and you know look at the reasons why you're supposedly cheap maybe you're not cheap maybe you're just frugal your house or you know whatever so you know these are the real reasons why don't let that negative alter-ego she actually said she wanna sell come up with are the bad person who lives in those things like an alternate name than ours I know the joke customer say Carlos whatever I said Tyler Durden because it's like love it that was funny um I'm surprised no one came up with but like the name Gozer really good is a gatekeeper for for their door yeah yeah it's kind of a gatekeeper for the bed but the whole my quick take on the whole thing is it seemed like a really long time to boil that one concept and it she was to animate I was like she was trying too hard it's like when we see someone who thinks they're getting basketball but they're not and so they're like they over try they over Germany that's the way I felt with us I felt like maybe she's a life coach maybe this has hurt her profession but I I don't think it was the best of the profession mmm not not saying it was bad it's very clear that she knows what she's doing within her craft the trouble that I had with this and I'll be honest I left about 30 minutes before it ended I had to go down to linger longer and how I repair for things there but I it just sort of seemed like I couldn't tell what the point was yeah that's what I was given I was like where we going well I was going to ask you right you said it took forever to boil down something specific but I didn't get what Oh the specific thing was like if you get negative on yourself to focus on your positives or do you use the positive to combat the negative and but honestly I'm like that's my king of what she was trying to say she never actually said that and that was in the last two minutes so I don't so okay okay so if that is point how do you feel about the point I'm okay with the point because I think I was trying to find a point so I found whether it suited my needs for a point huh who I want to come back to that towards the end that's good okay well my knee Jurek is kind of I kind of don't like the point because there's one thing I can't stand it's it's it's too much kind of after-school special like your special believe in yourself because you're a great person to work a little digital and like you know I think maybe Hitler you have too much of that because he's not great I mean maybe we should've been affirmed like I'm going to disagree with that I think she her point was saying look everybody thinks negatively about themselves not given time if you think about those negative things enough that's what is going to essentially define you and you have to make the conscious decision to say I'm not going to focus on this or maybe I can recognize what those negative things are and I can move past it and I can say okay let's turn this around and make this a positive in some way so that I get into my house of core my core values I mean instead of being in the house of fear all the time I think for me that's the one good thing that I walked away from to say okay yes I think everyone should analyze themselves you know look inside and see what it is that is a problem and focus on those things to turn them to a positive like you know I can totally I think that's good because we do get down arms I think it's safe to say that everybody feels badly about themselves in some way some respect the earning degrees one thing that I always have this fear of is I mean don't you hate it when people accentuate their positives to the point where their positives become extreme negative you know like maybe their positive is you know what my positive is it's speaking my mind and and so license to be a total jerk right there you know there was a couple other things like uh I I noticed on her list of non of you know bad things or whatever you know they were things like you know lazy slob um anger what else there's a ton vulgar vulgar it's the bad shapes you don't want to have if you're trying to live a life dedicated to you know the Savior which you know I'm till I found my one thing was it I think some people are inherently certainly and I fix it and but but I don't think she was try to go there but I just kind of popped in my head at the time I don't know let's get that thought I don't want it I don't have any better stuff of it actually I think that's a cool thought that we could talk about as a second topic some other day is character traits I think we that may you that may be one of my four years okay yeah oh yeah yeah we may we may do it someone I would love to do that just because I was and it wasn't the nigga do something obviously we should be violent people but it was kind of like you know what we don't all need to be the happy-go-lucky people either everybody kind of has a role actually that leads into my my take on people's takes from this like what did people take out of it why take out people's takes and I learned this on my mission I think and I it's because I never really thought about before people respond differently to different people and people in my opinion responding kind to their own people or their own personas yes and so I think her style of teaching the three of us here are pretty similar in a lot of ways I don't think the three of us here I had a would have had a different take on what happen until his lesser or got out of it but I think there was people in the room they got some positive things for their lives because they are a kid to that type of style even its own Southie you know and on the mission would was we used to joke there was one elder who was he was quiet and a little weird nice guy but just a little weird little spot I have to rocks and know that guy who's good but be there this guy wasn't compared this guy but he was just a quiet quiet guy and you had success just as much of the rest as anybody else did on the mission you know and success in Chile is baptism zips up is like actual numbers cow and chili but they in his baptisms you would the people who baptized and they were exactly like you but it was like they're his persona and there were people who probably would listen to me but they listened to him so I kind of think that out of a lesson was like you know I saw some people taking huge notes and I'm like this isn't even know worthy you know I like taking notes but for them it is so yeah I think it was positive for people who aren't us it says yes I know exactly what you're talking about as as a teacher I've gone to other people's classes before to watch a different style like I've had people tell me I'll hand this person such a good teacher and I go and I watch them to see the style so that I can maybe use that in my approach sometimes to say oh okay they reach different people in different ways and to try and see all of those different ways yeah absolutely the danger here though is there's a lot of lumps like this is my problem this the two classes I've been to a few that are really good I've been to something really bad and I'm like this is teaching at the college's level this is like you know teacher gives me a hug on the door on the way out we talked to warm fuzzies the whole time I think that's kidding ourselves on a certain level I don't think they happened today but I think he can't happen yeah and in fairness ed the point that you brought up some people need that lesson some people need a hug after you order work for because they're like oh crap no one loves me no one likes me I don't like yeah so I that's a really good point that I had really a lot a lot of times something nothing gets me down more than when someone says you need a hug so that's interesting the way you're putting it because that's one thing you guys probably never went to efy no yes I did and you forget I were should be apply often I know you're going to be at my office but I don't remember you actually going to you I did I won't when I was sick I would like the year before I was at BYU which is weird because they're like yeah yeah I mean you're usually you tend to go when you're like 14 and then Peter on we are London I'm in efy gradual four years in a row okay uh I really like yet why I thought it was great I thought the speakers are great and you know they help me see things and in ways I haven't seen and they helped me have attitudes about things to burn wood you know that I haven't seen before but the thing I hated about it was it seems like they treated loudness as a virtue oh man if you beat me to my point he really yeah like I really couldn't stand you know the chairs and the in the spit not the spirit small ass spirit they might use murderous exuberance in spirit yeah team spirit which people love that people love that I'm not saying it's a bad change agers love that teenagers love them as a teenager I didn't love it as a teenager I was quieter than I am now and I'm I'm not super quiet now yes but yeah that was that was really rough for me I really hated having to act that way but yeah what were you gonna say well there were a couple of things from the lesson itself that I just I won't talk about your bike we put that on the list because I have a lot of taste and they're good they're not bad they're good please I don't have my remember I worked there for a year and I solved different from the high up administration clear down to the counselors or the actual possible key kids would come so no like we had a kitchen doctor smoking pot I'm like really dude really that's your idea but uh I do have a lot of tics that would be good okay so from this lesson I wanted to some of the things that came up that I just I couldn't understand what was going on is the way that she presented things yeah I the Box let's talk about the whole piece of paper you're older by yourself well I want to when I say okay I waited just a second because I my first note here was um why is she shouting at us about how the Savior died for us yeah I think part of her elevated voice was the room we're in I hope that's part of the reason it's possible yet but I have I have a loud voice without shouting at people good and then later on I made another note why does she keep shouting yeah but she's still shouting and I talked to a couple of other people and they made the same comment like wow that was like overly forceful yeah and those are good it just goes along with what John was saying there which is I think it's like that type of thing that talked up build the energy you get people going the mighty good yeah absolutely open if it's real that's a it's a fact about you know any temptation get people riled up through adrenaline rather than through yeah perhaps the quiet was but isn't the porter getting riled up see one of the the the I guess the last frustrating thing for me is the fact that it was supposed to be about okay the how the atonement is supposed to help you and you forgive yourself and you can be able to you know you know forgive other people and I never really heard scriptures being used in in any of this and that was for me one of the frustrating things I as a Sunday school teacher I get very snobbish about the way people teach yeah and when they leave out some of the critical things in my opinion that should be there one of which being scriptures I get really really frustrated and I just think how can you leave out like this is the most important thing why would you leave that out and I I think she could have definitely turned it around by bringing more scriptures and bringing in something more talking from from the from the brother from the you know the Apostles or or the seventy and if I can think about quote off the top of my head as she was talking about happiness I was like oh you know there's a quote I think from one of the Apostle says a perpetually unhappy Saint is an oxymoron you know as latter-day saints we should be the most happiest people out there because we have an understanding the gospel and what the assembly escuela season it was William Shakespeare who you know is the one who wrote to Jesus the Christ okay well I think it was okay I'll tell ya challenge um what one thing along with these lines well just a bit better than fhe or I think so I even a fireside I think so that could have been really good well the thing is I think one of our sort of complaint to that and I don't want to complaint too much more about this the other leader but um but it is that this event that we went to a church laden hood but that we were supposed to go to a church today is kind of like what we're doing now it's sort of extracurricular wasn't so much Sunday uh but like we've said before we don't really think what we're doing now is a bad thing this Sunday School lesson could have been a lot worse it could have been because there are Sunday School lessons that don't talk about Christ they don't make the link that riced at all and it sounds like she really wanted to do that really a lot and she was successful at linking the atonement to all this so what it was I've had were a lot worse than the school lessons where I would put it in the races somewhere in the middle bit middle you know scale of one to ten you're like no I don't want to scale cuz anything below at eight is bad on a scale but somewhere on a you know the worst I've ever had the best I've ever had yeah it's just somewhere in the middle I just think it would have been better as a as a as an effigy I'm our refugee activities are wanting for more and maybe it would could make you know it's why it's interesting with this with this Bishop we have we've had a couple lessons now words like I feel like maybe it's my fault for still being in a university ward but it's so like they're bringing a special guest to speak to us because we're make sure kids that need it and it's like no I'm looking I'm like you know she's probably my demographic well it's clear that what was your name sister pain thank you it's clear that is well put together as far as her intellect and the things that she wants to discuss yeah it's clear that she I would call necessarily call her a master at her trade but she knows exactly what she's in in I was impressed with her ability to keep a crowd together yeah that's what is a difficult thing to do to keep people's attention and to keep them focusing and going on with things I was impressed with that because not everybody can do that and and that was impressive I did like she said the looked up she's talking about look you very selves give me their selves positive affirmation and she she said I was thinking to her small I first out but this is affirmative affirmation and I'm like what what what let's see this as a way of kind of using her lesson here she wants us to turn things to a more positive strain I mean her whole point was if we just focus in on negative things then you know we're just going to be stuck in negativism true and we're going to waste a lot of our lives so are there things about your guys's life that you would look at and say man I waste a lot of time doing this as an example if I can offer an example I am a part of an outdoor soccer team a lot of the organization kind of got dropped and so I had to pick it up and do it and so I felt a little put out by it and I had to tell my team hey look you know the lead cancels the start of the game and it's going to be another week one of the other players on the team started mouthing off about the lead and I just got so upset to say look you so-and-so you couldn't even bother to get into the office look I snapped you know I took all of the hard work that I had done and trying to get people into there and I took his comment very personally and so I reacted out he and I traded a few emails you know during the day because of it and none of it was positive in any way shape or form what's Rios in it a dog hahaha that was PC dollars in about I was laughing all morning low but you know the point that I'm getting here right I took it personally symmetric I talked to one of the other guys on the team Richard and he followed it as well and he said well was it worth it for the both of you like did you walk away with it you know what did you get out of it what you wanted to and all I got out of it was hostility but a wonder of this thing though because it put a smile on red face seven that's too big of a cost yeah too big of a cost and so I think that's something that I'm gonna maybe try and focus in on a little bit us cannot take things so personally as a way of applying what sister Payne taught us today because I absolutely agree in everything that she talked about when she said you cannot focus just on negative things you have to be able to move to a positive thing you have to and so for that I mean I I'm grateful for her lesson today you know Richard's quietly wise oh hi Rena bleep incredibly yeah he doesn't even got huge talk but he'll say something I'm like that's the wisest thing ever doll week like it's like ridiculous how just Phil just sum it up what since you're like huh okay that's a really really sparkly way um maybe I mean maybe you guys have something that you can talk about I don't really obviously comes to mind other than in regards to a lesson that and a lot of us seem straining somebody at one place that can I was complaining about Church there's a long time ago and this is like early BYU days maybe and it was like I'm like so lessons are so boring like why do we go I go cuz I'm supposed to I'm bored I'm sitting there and it's like like look for the positive it's gonna be one thing you can take out that lesson just one if not let's say the subjects prayer and you're bored it's the same lesson and some what others teach you you know why should pray you know it's like like you know what open up your scriptures and teach yourself something about prayer sit there and read and just ignore him you our to reflect on those people who do that what typically I've found that there are people who don't even bother to prepare for class anyway yeah like they know what's going to be taught the next Sunday and they don't ever bother to look through the lesson yeah that's a I I get I harp on teachers a lot because I am one and I a lot of times I I talked about how the bad teacher is criminally negligent in or I should say spiritually negligent in the way that they sometimes carry across their Sunday School lesson or elders form lesson because they have such a great opportunity to carry something across well yes let's say we've got some teacher that is just absolutely fantastic and is just the best ever if the student out there isn't bothering to pay attention then you know they're not getting anything out of it anyway my point is there's two people there you can just get negative on the fact that you know this is a crappy teacher and therefore I'm not going to learn anything yeah or you can focus in and say you know what let's come to this with the right light and seek for the spirit to teach me something because it shouldn't be the teacher teaching you it should be the spirit also isn't that kind of your responsibility like if if you're learning something about prayer or learning something about the lesson isn't your responsibility to kind of bring that into class what's that yeah does kal-el you say like I've had lessons were I've been a tentative taught where the class is taught to lesson like and you have some participation it's like let me well you guys remember when I used to teach others quorum yes um which time but I've done it like with you I've done are like the board exercise I think you like four or five different colored remember the flower you brought the sitter peace oh yeah is a bag of medical flour were you are pretty much pretty much every Ella score unless I ever taught Sunday school which is weird but I've taught tons of elders quorum lessons and just about every single one I like look at what I've prepared I'm like I don't know if this is going to be enough to do the tire I'm gonna build a time with me the elders always pulled through and I can't really I have no idea why but I would just I would just be able to just kind of say so what's the deal with this not even knowing what the answer is knowing what my opinion on it on it was and and the awesome elders would just would rise up to the occasion to really teach the class I thought in amaz without fails weird elder McConkey gave a talk which I can't remember if it was his seven deadly heresies talked and sold but he talked about how the teacher comes prepared to you know give out essentially water and lets you know he only brings a little cup to dispense instead of a huge pitcher but out in the audience the guy sitting there either brings you know a whole glass or he brings this like a little thimble whole you know both people are responsible to be able to bring something to to both situations so for anybody to sit back and judge a teacher and say and they were horrible well were they or you know could you have also prepared a little bit better to have received from the spirit maybe they weren't the best teacher but guarantee you could have been able to walk away with something higher lutely as an example I don't want to talk too much but I gave a class lunch and elders forum where it was the topic was delegating it was from this old old manual that I got handed and it was probably one of the worst lessons I've ever taught it was really hot in the old institute days and it was awful people were falling asleep and if I click Bishop fell asleep I could see him asleep and one guy came up to me afterwards and said you know what brother Nash thank you so much this was this was exactly what I needed to hear today and I said are you kidding me that crap that was horrible okay no you don't understand there I have just been going through some stuff right now that I really needed to hear this and I was just a reaffirming time to say okay the Lord is in charge of what goes on here not me huh Wow no that's amazing it's delegating yeah it was seriously when I got a nose like just like Allegheny what solution guys preparing a baptismal service poppy day let's do the preparing a baptismal service make sure the fog gets turned on well okay if I got if I got the topic of delegating to teach I know exactly I'm gonna be ok yeah drum roll a little bit enough look at the guy the front row Chromebooks this last year so just like damn [Laughter] thank you doesn't stop ball Joe yeah I know think so yeah things are pitching that one in there um okay well uh okay I should say maybe I should make some goals about like turn things positive yeah I don't many negative things about my life we all know this so many negative things like one of my problems probably not my biggest one of my problems is I goof off into many different ways maybe if I just focused on goofing off in one of two ways and like I include like goofing off and like what so you mean get better at goofing off yeah you're done with it girl ok kids let's go forward my fake goofing off um maybe I should refine that meaning because I don't really that I do waste my time goofing off sure but there are some things I

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