Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rodcast 3: Stakey (pt 1)

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hello welcome to the Iron Rodcast podcast number three I am Jon and I am Peter hello hey Peter how's it goin not bad Jon how are you doing today pretty good pretty good today it was see actually how should I put this let me let me put it this way I was just reading a blog just now I was it's a religious blog kind of like a religious podcast in fact it's called my religious blog and the entry said a thousand years of man's time is equal to one day of God's time I learned that by reading Abraham 3 for 1 hour of State Conference times equal to 15 hours of actual time I learned that my is deftly going to state conference once this weekend was state conference so we don't have a Sunday School lesson to go over yeah but we do have some state conference and P what you think a state conference I think state conference is a wonderful idea and I think everyone should go to their state conference right now having said that I had didn't actually go to say conference which is I feel bad when I don't go because I used to you know I had a calling in mistake at at one point for you know like a year and a half and I know what goes into planning and preparing and putting on a state conference like I've seen you dealt with some flower people so I I feel bad when I don't go to them because sort of like you know I just couldn't you know I know I'm saying I think all of your planning and preparation is useless mm-hmm I feel bad because I actually really enjoy when I get to hear the state presence you speak and this is one of the few times where they're going to be the starring role if that makes sense so I like to take conferences it was just that I'm not used to owning a house and I'll use this as my excuse um you know I had a soccer game yesterday first of the season and on top I had to come home and then prepare or like do all of my lawn stuff and turns out my lawns a little bit bigger than I've really given it credit for like it took me I think over an hour to mow it and so it just it took way way more out of me than than what I anticipated and so I slept in today well I loved it fair enough yesterday you have better excuse because your soccer game was after all two and a half hours after the Saturday morning State Conference I'm not quite right when it started at 9:00 grass and I went for what two hours it went for an hour for an hour okay see I actually am bugged about that because for me the morning time and the like on a Saturday to hold state conference in the Saturday session in the morning is annoying I prefer in the evening time I get why they do it with us with a student Ward because you know you know we're supposed to be dating on a Saturday evening yeah you know so I can sort of understand that I just think it's poor planning I would be more likely to show up - Ueda infection it's poor planning for you well yeah I know I mean I I would think you're in the very minority and a stake as far as it comes but like what am i more likely to get about the 9 a.m. Saturday session or the 6 p.m. Saturday set let's be fair how many you know students are actually getting up what and let them read they give it up at like 8 8 o'clock to get ready to show up for a 9:00 a.m. what's the likelihood of that well I I guess you'd have no idea when that opportunity you did go so how many people were there it was um chapel filled and probably a quarter of the chairs in the cultural hall okay so like the only first war basically um yeah yeah we're probably later on I didn't I didn't walk up and down the aisles I don't have that calling not count for people who I think we probably estimate around 400 because that's what we used to get with the the old forty first probably wasn't that much okay but it was more than well not more than I expected like expecting my alarm on Saturday went off at nine uh-huh I didn't get out of bed until about ten after nine I came down and it like I talked to you before you left I was late I was really in fact and I felt really bad because and this is okay so Friday night this is right here you're their incredible excuse that you're not going to stay confidence did you have a sock you're not going to stay confidence at 9:00 a.m. because you have a soccer game at 11:30 a.m. which I thought okay I guess if you can get that two words sure I are nothing between maybe it's a time zone thing I don't know well it also didn't hurt that I got home at 2:00 a.m. for my podcast you got home at 2:00 a.m. yeah and I don't know if you recall when I went to bed but I don't know I was about at about 3:30 or 4:00 because I was working on something for a friend of mine that I thought had to be done immediately right but it turns out I have some extra time but yeah I went to bed at 4:00 I'm like okay well we'll see how this goes I slept through my alarm but I but I was late for the the morning session of state conference yesterday and I was there I was able to get there just in time to hear president Dunn's remarks so I missed the other stuff apparently they showed a video because they do that in ours mate they are our state president likes showing videos a lot well sort of what he does for a living so it it's easy for him probably yeah it's kind of like hmm what's the opposite of priestcraft what cuz cause like it seems prosperous priesthood uh you know you well yeah I know what kind of it's a weird kind of opposite because you know in priestcraft you try to like make money money from your religion right in this case he makes religion from what he makes money off of so I get I guess there's nothing wrong with that at all I think that uh in fact that's actually something I wanted to talk about maybe later if we talk about it this time but I think that's good because I think it kind of shows consecration in a way you do what you do for a living for the benefit of the church right and that's what he did and I missed it I missed the video apparently it has a lot of that I think the gist of the video is I should have looked it up on YouTube cause he said he was going to put it on YouTube they they had images of of kids in our state oh yeah yeah I warm room together like they morph into each other and at the end it kind of morph into an image of Christ and and then in his remarks he said something to defect justice I drove all the way to the building just to get this remark and the priest Han cake breakfast that uh that a lot of times we think the gulf between us and christ is much larger than it actually is and his home his big message that morning is it's not as big as we think it is we don't have to give up it it's right there and you know we can take if we want and so that's kind of just that one statement is pretty much all I got from Saturday morning conference because I was late because I slept through my alarm and then I came home and I slept for four hours and then last night I played video games again and until 4:00 in the morning and but because I took my four-hour nap yesterday I think I was able to totally get to state conference today and then took another four hours yeah you crash for a while I'm pretty spit conference really messed me up this weekend but I am glad that I went actually because today it's a conference it was actually pretty good I don't know you can make it to the priesthood session as well I made it to the priesthood session that is impressive because that's an 8 a.m. session 8 a.m. session and they go up to 9 or 9:30 okay now you are complaining about the Saturday morning thing which you think is valid it's actually invalid but this is a valid complaint we're gonna disagree often with the priesthood went from 8 to 9 uh-huh and then the normal one started his pen right so I almost was like give me another half hour priesthood what's going on here exactly yes I actually told this to them when I was serving on a mistake because they were like I what are you guys thinking like honestly I would have liked to have had another half an hour of a priesthood session before for this because then we ended it you know you have to sit around for another hour yeah I get that logistically what they're trying to accomplish is you know getting everyone to arrive within a half-hour time period - and then get them all seated and you know reverent ready to go is next to impossible but it's still frustrating for me because I like those priesthood sessions I've been to well everyone except for this one I think in our sake for the most part so I wish that they would give us more a little bit more what what a great opportunity to speak to to those people well you mean is well I think I think on the basis of logistically speaking you may as well do it anyway because what the girls start trickling in at about like 15 after and then it's just I mean then it's just a big huge giant chatter room for 45 minutes you may as well shorten that period correct we call that socializing and so chattering love sex sex I don't think doesn't sound sexist we're all chattering yes where you go inventions are the whimpers ship walk around 9:15 and then it becomes the chatter for thought okay that is true I'm not saying women are more chatty they are but that's not exactly what I'm saying what I'm saying is when men and women come into a room together they're more chatting okay okay so it's like if it was like if there was a Relief Society session early in the morning not the bouncer we're gonna happen and then the men started coming in then same thing and so then the men would have been labeled watch out okay okay we just have to be in there first so anyway uh yeah so anyway that's pretty good um you miss you miss Scott Scott folks yeah I knew that he was going to be doing would was he in the priests obsession or the the general study was in the general session oh nice what was their topic on his topic was whatever he wanted did he make it his usual topic that he talked about in like regular sacrament meeting because I could have talked before he's like you know I always end up given like basically the same talk every single time has he said that yeah I don't think so because he used this opportunity to kind of drop the bombshell of a little bit of his past about his that would have been moving based upon the theme that we heard from the morning session on Saturday right yes exactly and that's kind of where he took it he was our good friend Scottsdale most people listening right now both of you totally know one person uh he's he's this really great guy he's been in our ward for but you know he's been in as long as I have it's gotta be at least five years yeah at least five years so yeah he's been in there for a long time he's my home teaching companion he's all our elders quorum president I didn't I didn't know him really well until like a couple years ago but turns out he has a very interesting past he used to have a daughter and through very various circumstances his daughter was was taken away I wasn't taken away I think he gave her up for adoption if I remember his blog post to the posted like yeah I'm trying to I should have refreshed myself on on his his blog post up it's weird because it's something he came out with it you know through writing and it's something we never really talked about it's just something to kind of know like you know there's that there's that past there but you know the the mother is not really part of his life anymore daughter isn't really part of life anymore his parents got divorced a short time before that it was very very dark period in his life yeah and and he he just kind of figured that's where he was that's where he belongs s ultimately where he would go and he didn't really see the gospel we didn't see the atonement he didn't really see Christ in his life but you know he came around and you know he mentioned a you know just a couple things he read a lot of scriptures strangely Joseph Smith history verse 28 I wrote that down and just kind of mantra marks that the relief he had that Joseph Smith had problems between the first vision and the translation of the Book of Mormon right which you know something we kind of it's one of those weird things we talk a little bit more about lately like oh yeah Joseph Smith he wasn't perfect obviously he wasn't man but he wasn't perfect he he had problems but he became the prophet of this dispensation 1st Corinthians 10:13 that's you will not be tempted above that which you are able I'm trusting Scott on these scriptures because I am NOT a scripture mastery day doctor in Covenants 1 12 12 after much tribulation that's when you will receive conversion something to that effect that's how I how I rolled my notes down and then he goes on great scriptures like that and he lists four things first half hope second become converted any talks a lot about conversion as in it's not step one not converted step two converted big huge difference it's it's a process than any remarks you know Peter when Christ mentions to Peter after Peter is the apostle at the main apostle you know when you aren't converted and so emphasizing the the process of that and then three know that God is there which I kind of relate to number one help and number four just keep your eye on the prize which I thought enduring so anyway very good very good talk by Scott and then the other two people who spoke were also very interesting and I thought this was a really good state conference because you know it's almost like especially in singles wards you have the state presidency speaks of course and then but the first hour you have like a series of youth speakers and it's usually people like who is this Relief Society president yeah why do I care about listening to her yeah but it wasn't the case found some some really good ones the sites got a couple of young women in the stake one of them with a very interesting name that I camera well maybe I shouldn't even say her name because you know how I don't know how public as far as this podcast is very new like I don't even know if I should have just be talking about these people that I think just matter to you're fine anyway you're gonna regret saying when I try to say this name Archana Tobiah mister by Archana anyway uh recent convert two weeks ago as baptized and they later speak in a cow is they call my goodness yeah but of course weapon president Dunn was kind of like yeah be careful you know you know you know what you're getting into and you get baptized you might have to speak in state conference two weeks later uh but she apparently she had been investigating the church for a couple of years and she she went through a series of missionaries but very similar to Scott I don't know how they picked these speakers but I think they probably knew okay she she said you know two years ago she felt incredibly alone and she and she prayed you know as hard as she ever has and she actually grew up in awe and so obviously she was familiar with the church but she didn't really go into detail on how she felt and how her family was because one of the things she talked about was you know the unconditional love that exists within family is a powerful force and she says one thing that kind of got got into her life is I hope I'm saying this right you know it's funny when you take notes on something like this it becomes Chinese whispers so people can correct me on this but she she kind of had this responsibility to love and it was a good thing despite the fact that she she said almost in passing how disappointed her family was in her for the decisions she was making at this time now which i think is really um you know it's really weird I think for you and I because the only way we can disappoint our families is it's a relief first and I I can eyes I kind of thought you know how interesting that is also that kind of makes me think a little bit about like my own testimony my own conversion someone said it this way to me one time when I was in school and this was just kind of just it wasn't even a religious conversation but they mentioned that if their parents left the church it wouldn't affect them mmm I see you know and they formed their own testimony that one day remaining on their parents anymore right right and I kind of thought about that I thought oh yeah I'm like okay yeah I you know that would be horrible if my mother left the church I I feel absolutely horrible but I feel absolutely horrible for her it wouldn't really affect the way I live my life and so kind of an interest thing about I and this maybe harkens back to podcast number one about honoring your parents she found a way to make that work she she didn't have the need to full-on rebel against her parents but she knew what was right and she did it and she still was able to maintain the love for her family so I thought that's interesting also you know brings to mind help me out here I have the scripture in the New Testament thanks for narrowing it down to the libous danger yeah about you know whoso will not leave their mother and father for my sake oh sure sure right yeah I know I know I believe it in Matthew it sounds Matthew sound like something you'd say is it Sermon on the Mount kind of stuff I know I believe it's later color sells Christians we so give us up houses and family and mother and brother for my name's sake shall receive an hundredfold I believe okay so I'm somewhere in those lines very good anyway so her tapas was great it was great next person he spoke was it's about Rojas I think I said that right yeah I can appreciate the first one you have in trouble with come on really I'm only quarter Mexican so yeah Jay is all a bit just as a bell or Isabella Isabel there's Bell Rojas yes okay and she can I gave the speech relating to about preparation she related it to her 72-hour kit list that she wanted to put together and go every six months she decided like when confit rolled around she'd evaluate what she had on her 72-hour kit list of stuff you know putting together okay and so you know practical you know reason and also it was kind of a metaphoric thing that you know it rolled around she had worked on it because she lost her lips and she didn't know what to do and then so she she the six-month came along she's like oh let's see what's in here and her list was actually he her sexuality hmm well that's a great few place to keep the list yeah yeah and so um but I mean it it was really about um you know preparation and she said let's see what I write down see one look look to who you want to be more like what you want in your what you want on your list how-how-how something something did it get back okay so yeah I'm really good at this fortunately in state conference in the program they give you space to write but it doesn't really work well with the way I write obviously actually you know what that's a kind of an interesting point I think you know I've got a house now mmm-hmm and I have I buy stores of food that I know I use so I like I buy them in bulk I wouldn't necessarily call that food storage or you know some sort of 72-hour kit I just have okay you can see over there I've got 24 cans of kidney beans that's weird I know you know and so I've got a few things like that I would have gone up Intel okay duly noted um but it's I think it may be time for me to start up a 72-hour kit here as well I think I thought I had I thought that's what all the no that's just for like it was cheap and it's young I know I'm gonna eat that stuff so I can buy it in bulk like well how hard is it for you to start a 72-hour can all you have to do is take a piece of masking tape and write on one of your food shelves 72 hours okay fair point but I think there's something more that needs to go into a 72-hour kit besides you know cans of beans I don't know I just think that it's time I start putting some thought into okay stuff like I've started holding on to my juice containers you know and I get done with those I'm gonna you know rinse them out and get them all cleaned out and ready to actually store some water we don't have a recycle bin in this house and you can't put them in there it's not for recycling it's for water storage okay so I you know I'm starting to think down along those lines so I I'm glad that you brought up that top okay state conference helped me out theory and you were looking for a topic to talk about we can talk about 72-hour kits one of these days okay like what do you

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