Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Rodcast 4: Quails

[Music] all right welcome to podcast four of the Iron Rodcast I am Jon joined here by Rhett welcome back rat jock voted for James today yes very good very good now we're proceeding on to my joke welcome Pete good to see you at church today despite the fact that you did mild yard work yesterday yep yep actually I did a lot of yard work yesterday I I tallied it up I think I was out there for about four hours four hours worth of work in his defense we did not have a soccer game so his excuse for last week is still kind of valid right you did listen I did like okay well um and once again I think we might be rushed for time cuz I just barely walked in because my calling came a-calling strangely toward the very tail in there that's okay there's not a lot to happen today good good I know I know a lot of pressure Sunday school wise because our new Sunday school yes terrains this week and I have no idea what the lesson was but I I heard people complimenting her did she do a good job I think she did do a good job she didn't and I think she's gonna get a lot better too there were a couple of times I was like oh she did that but it's like annoying stuff with me I can't believe a teacher just did that I think it was it was more like III don't think you should have phrased it I think she'll get better I think she'll begin teaching more like Peter Nash no that is not what I was saying at all those words in my mouth no I thought she did really really well it was clear she had a strong grasp on the material I know that she had put in a lot of fun in preparation of course granted she had like what three weeks to get ready for this because of State Conference and yeah but I think she'd do if she had three days and they could be just as good sure yeah so I'm excited I'm very excited I often time to get a little annoyed when we when I teach opposite a bad teacher because I don't like and then the week that you come on teach you you pretty much redo their lesson because you got a fix I've never fixed anybody's lesson at all though the the one and I wanted to say this is a critique the one thing I noticed is it felt rushed the entire thing I think it's because she wanted to cover the entire yeah stuff which is almost impossible to do especially if you've got good material which she it's tough because senators really only get about a half an hour you're at least an hour Ward because when sacrament lets out everybody then Mills around for a while Sunday school should be starting like ten after so we should have like forty minutes but right we we never get were able to get to thoughts occur to me maybe throwing this out for a calling a war gonna hurt her yeah people Wrangler does someone specifically there in in the chapel to get people to Sunday school are they do they have a cattle prod I don't know what they have I'm just thinking they had their a really charismatic person who like gets into conversations and just just kind of says hey you guys I think it needs to be a sister because I think the guys all-male around actually make you make fun of that when I when I had good lessons back and they want to teach and if I knew is a good lesson I girls a hey you gonna come listen to my lesson like I used to go around to the group teach right are you gonna come listen and get people to go up but I'm gonna do it next week he's teaching you coming yeah maybe we should maybe we should of course I I have a weird calling because kind of part of my calling is to get people to stick around because remember committee because we have the new member meeting right after yeah and he would so I have to go my other thing that I thought is I think it's actually kind of commendable that she was able to get through the lesson because that's one of my big thing that I did that I don't like is you know Sunday school teacher saying well we only have the good stuff left but we're out of time as I was actually talking to Annie today I was saying you know you did a really good job and she was saying how I just felt like I was trying to get to all of the other stuff and I wanted to get to the you know the discussion at the end there but I finally got it was like well that's perfect I mean that's what you got to do as a teacher you have to say okay I definitely want to cover this day and then you have the other things that you're like okay I can cut this we don't need to have a discussion so she did well she grinned yeah it's perfect oh if you weren't in Jon the lesson was oh yeah from numbers was a the brass serpent bird yeah the fiery serpents the the whiny in the 40 years which one thing I learned it was two years then 40 years I never knew that two years of what the Israelites wandering around before they were told that it was gonna be another 40 years oh so 42 years yeah section 42 life the universe and everything comes around there's a lot of new numerology today we're gonna there were $7 comb - yeah so it was the Israelites were you know annoyed by all they were getting was manna like oh man Amana Nana when can we get some some real meat they complained that it was little like it well not 40 years I don't know at this point yeah I would've at least six months to a year but they would have been eating it so anyway the Lord sends them quick do you remember well okay do you remember that month and when we were living at Liberty Square right I bought 30 ramen I was gonna make a Roman calendar like this is what I'm gonna get for the next thirty days I only made it like 23 days really you gave up after 23 days yeah yeah well and we learned from supersize me if she can't do with McDonald's yes I mean so I mean okay two years 40 years man question I had today wandering in the wilderness what does that mean were they moving everyday where they move in every six months because that's what I would have complained about oh yeah I mean forget the food I'm gonna pack up my gear often in US like in my head I kind of think okay when they say wandering like it was always their mind there's some final destination but they probably kind of like the Indians did like they were camped for a season or maybe there's two season maybe a year yeah possibly maybe if we want to pull out that the maps here and just take a quick yeah well show these on the podcast everybody look over here so so anyway here's what here's what happened they leave Egypt and they head down here this is the Sinai Peninsula right here so they come down here mount oh shoot what's the anyway sign a is right down here so they head down the coast for a while they get to Sinai and that's where they're at then they start to make their way up and they come up and come around and it's right when they get to about right up here I can't remember which mountain it is that's where they're at when they're there up at the mountain then they send that the the twelve people down into the valley to say okay go and take a look at this and report back to us so they're roughly right about there so that's okay from here well from from down there that's a you know that's how long it took him to do that so branded there were a few hundred thousand people to move so I would imagine they probably went for a little while rested for a while I know I probably set a bunch of my stuff up in a specific spot put a stick up saying this is my stuff and come back to that spot over and over probably cash myself I could see that but are we talk about me no did he move over a thousand miles geographically yeah you know I don't know how long how many mom's there's a thing I mean that's 250 I mean there's no way that they may have traveled more than that maybe fire would've had a circle yeah we're talking not that far I don't know for 40 years like I assume they rested like they didn't move they probably didn't establish themselves I guess if you didn't actually build the houses you're probably wandering there were probably way stations at some point where they're like okay let's fill up water and how long is it gonna take for you know a few hundred thousand people to fill up water how is it that many it was I think within the Book of Numbers they actually do a count that's why they call it the Book of Numbers but I don't know I don't know the exact number okay I don't that's all other way I talk about the less it was just really good okay I've got a couple talked about in numbers chapter 11 verses 10 through 15 I'm just gonna go ahead and read this here she is so this is after that the people are coming to Moses and saying oh man I wish why can't we have something besides manna you know back in Egypt we used to have you know garlic and onions leave on Miller's and cucumbers everything smells oh yeah I guess probably but no wasn't isn't there a verse where they ate so much quail that they bonded it out oh yeah yeah it does talk about that yeah at least I think it did I don't know the point I wanted to get to starting in verse 10 then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families every man in the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly Moses was also displeased and Moses said unto the Lord wherefore half-cell afflicted thy servant and wherefore have I not found favor in thy sight that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me have I conceived all this people have I begotten them that thou should have say unto me carry them in bosom as a nursing father Bharath the suckling child unto the land which thou swearest unto their fathers when should i have flesh to give unto all this people for they weep unto me saying give us flesh that we may eat I am NOT able to bear all this people alone because it is too heavy for me and if thou deal thus with me kill me I pray thee out of out of hand if I have not found favor in thy sight and let me not see my wretchedness and I love these verses because not just because of the fact that Moses is just complaining saying oh why me you know this is so bad just kill me it seems as though the Israelites are the most dramatic people ever but in fairness they did put up with a lot but what I love about this so much is the fact that Moses has had so many great experiences in speaking with the Lord and so many times he's come back to the Lord and said I just don't think it's possible or you know I'm not sure how we're gonna do this or you know why me why me and I love that he's a regular person how many times have I been in a situation where I'm like a son of a gun why in the world do I have to do this why am I the only one who's doing anything around here and I like the fact that Moses who is clearly chosen of the Lord has these moments where he is weak as well and you know I I just love that he is a human just like the rest of us and that struck me really well that's pretty cool how did the how the Lord respond to that ah let's see and the Lord said unto Moses gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel whom thou knows of the elders of the people and officers over them so at this point he appoints 70 people to assist him so like in Karen and what can I learn from this that I mean because there there are times in the Old Testament where the Lord kind of rebukes people for you know seemingly kind of minor things but in this case you know one thing we his hey you can you can kind of bargain with the Lord a little bit if you want to get something done you you can you could work something out you can go yam to them you know and tell them how you're feeling and and he'll be like it here's 70 guys yeah I mean my I guess my final point is when we look at leaders and we say man I can't believe they were rude to me or I can't believe they said that you know what they're human beings just like the rest of us and they're gonna get frustrated and tired and they're not gonna be you know as engaged in whatever thing you think they should be engaged in you know they get just as tired they have families they have jobs just like you and now they have a greater responsibility cut him some slack a little bit yeah did we the other week remember what was it didn't I get I oh I got my my paycheck from being in the beard movie the Mormon Battalion and I look at the envelope and I said to you I can't believe the church just sign-ins Ryder to me my name wrong on the envelope for those people who don't know Simon's Ryder was a member of the church he had oh he had joined and he received a revelation but when the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote it down he misspelled his name and so he said oh well you clearly can't be a prophet if you can't even get my name spelled right and then he left the church yeah so I left the church for a couple hours a couple weeks ago unfortunately it wasn't on a Sunday and I'm glad you made your way back it didn't really affect my life okay anything else about the lesson I guess I have one more thing neither neither of you know I still don't really know yeah I'd use look upon the pastor pastor pastor I used to have that poster is good I love I love the caduceus so the in chapter 21 is when we know I don't know what chapter it's in Oh chapter 13 Moses sends the twelve spies down and they all basically come back with a couple of exceptions talk about this yeah we did yeah they they all say you know hey this is this is a horrible place or you know yes to have some good stuff but there's all of these people down there we can't possibly beat them and I correct me if I'm wrong did we we may have talked about this but I wanted to talk about pointing out problems is bad isn't necessarily bad but refusing to be positive is bad did we talk about that no I don't I don't really think we talked about that because the Israelites have like they do what they should do they get a report of the land and part of the report of the land is the fact that there are these you know these people down there the problem that they that they made or the mistake that they made was the fact that they didn't think okay how can the Lord help us or in what do we need to do in order to fulfill the Lord's commandment for us to you know eventually go down and take in the land as an example I with the company that I work with from time to time the owners come up with ideas that are just like hey we think this is gonna be great this is gonna save the companies is gonna make millions of dollars off of this and I look at them and I think okay did you really think through all of these situations and so I then start to point out okay well what about this problem here and this problem here in this problem here and this problem here and I do it because i realistically don't think they've thought through everything and so I'm being the the voice in there who's trying to say okay think this all through if someone were to look from the outside and not realize the reason I'm pointing this stuff out they would think that I was just being negative to say oh man we shouldn't do this we shouldn't change we shouldn't do anything at all and that's like you're quite an apologist for the ten people who were no not at all they clearly made the mistake I mean they didn't even want to go down there because these people are too tough they're Giants we look like crickets in front of them grasshoppers grasshoppers thank you and they we just cannot possibly overcome them at all and which is ridiculous because what they did to the Egyptians and they managed to get away from them and they were one of the greatest powers around so yes that's interesting yeah and as you were saying I was trying to think of an example of someone being too negative you know cuz there is you know there's the practicality of it a lot of people don't know when they've gone from just being realistic it's kind of wallowing in the okay well I think now is a good time to give up and you know not you know I mean faith is involved in it so yeah anyway I yeah good lesson yeah look to the Lord the snake on the stick I always loved that story I think and I think we know it so I don't think we have to talk about though what's what's next week Pete I am Not sure the lesson after that one yes lesson 16 well in elders quorum and new teachers new counselors eat it pretty good his lesson was on elder Packers talk from from conference which was actually the first talk Saturday morning so I didn't missed it obviously yeah so I read it while he was giving lesson and he did you did all stood a pretty good job but the one thing I know what I mention about it is remember the story of Gideon and how he selected his army like there was too many of them and so apparently I've heard down and said the Lord the Lord's that haven't go to the water and drink and whoever cupped his bare hands but whoever just a face in the water yes the booth was weird I mean who does that I've done that in a mouse dream it's really refreshing yeah but it's true like and the funny part about that is I remember in Boy Scouts who did it and somebody push my friend's head all the way in the water and I'm like skidded right there do you know how many people he ended up with it was 300 yeah it's 300 that's right okay and that's weird it talks about him fighting off on you so harmfully 300 people and Kofi Sean Jon so Sean said you know he tried not to mention the movie 300 but he kind of yeah and I I really did because it was really similar cuz he was like so how like he was saying that I'd run knew their place it's like so why is it important you've got a small army we're doing their place I'm like lots of families and 300 like this is what it is that's all I want to say when he was in judges yeah there's you know maybe because that wasn't lost like you know itself is powerful they stole it the Greeks yes that really happened I know I know but the number I think they stole it from the old test they stole from the Jews I guess I mean I don't know the slide I saw the movie okay I don't really know the story very well but I mean it wasn't it they they were only allowed to have that many right yeah so maybe the governors of Greece so we transition to the topic of the week yeah I think because I have a good segue so the the the lesson some schools look the looking and living upon the thing the Sigma tan will talk about the efy and ironically enough no listen right appropriately enough the theme for efy that I helped satin Amin helped decide was look live from the Old Testament because the way that you fire works is every year they kind of cycle through the standard works they pick out a theme and we went from dr. Cummings to Old Testament so the guy was nervous we believe then we were to look and limb I thought it was so funny that we had that lesson today but efy let's give them background here Pete you've never been a fly I haven't never no no real contact with the acquire how it works with program is how you do it for the church a little bit yeah well yeah I taught seminary and Institute for a while that's part of let's see yes yeah that's CES efy from my understanding though is not specifically like promoted by the church I couldn't be wrong on that but I've never understood I always think there's like a third party thing I will clear that up just was closely affiliated and so they got to use BYU like that according to Wikipedia I think it was like started by one guy and I don't know what's happened since then okay Jon's authority of was he's a graduate four years yes yeah I spent I spent more time to efy than in high school so and I actually worked I would be if I once up in Logan actually I didn't go to BYU okay if I I went to graduate be with you but hey Cody a 5ue and then I worked for the FI office for a year so I saw the entire from hiring them the counselors clear up to the end you know all through the summer than the other summer starting over um I don't know how it started but yes the the church it's part of the CES program so it's just oh yeah it's under that's where we got our funding as su CES so it's just as much as institute or seminary and a lot of these structures the teachers come from the CES pool of instructors right that's who they contact yeah they pan to come and do it obviously so it's actually if you see this there's another there's a couple of other programs there's one I camera it's like for older more it's like for like 17 18 year olds that's not from the church but it's you know what it's called but it was like efy graduate the levels up it was fun we see it calls back I will I know no Boy Scouts yeah that's true but anyways efy and the reason want to talk about us because we all have a different came up somehow and I think what Jon brother Pazuzu kind of uh we were talking about loudness and energy versus spirit yeah yeah yeah that's how it came up I don't even know where to begin let's talk we'll start with that uh when I was here for why we had the you've got the participants themselves you've got the counselors who were over each group of about 12 people then you've got the coordinators who are the counselors and then you have the admin office people I was admin office people we used to joke that the only reason efy was successful because God wanted it to be ongoing office joke because the type of person and this is my viewpoint only is that the type of person that can be a counselor or even a coordinator is the 24/7 positive animated energy spirit which animated by the way there's what the word in Spanish this anima means like to have spirit or life or energy like that's like similar to animated kind of same thing like you know just that loud 24/7 tfy cliche and that that type of person we found is not very good at how do I say this nicely organization day-to-day organizational get the work done type stuff right they're really good with people and entertaining kids and things like that but as far as you know organizing and saying okay you know here is this shipment of stuff we're gonna ship it here you know a good example we got all the t-shirts for the entire year delivered to our office we have to split off the sizes and how many per location because not just be what you it's all throughout the country and the girl in charge of it instead of organizing a plan and said okay this is how we're gonna do it she decorated the entire office with balloons and streamers and size so we have to work at 8 a.m. and there's big sizes t-shirt day and I'm like okay so we go like okay cool see and that took you bro like that's cool when I come like that keep takes a tedious out of it what asteroid care what splashes like I don't know I thought we just divide them up a blanket Holly we really oh they're like 2:00 2:30 in the morning of like and they're not bad people it's just that it's a temper subtle which I'm not you know then finance that person so it's like I won't say I'm either than those people yeah so being in the FY office I look I and the healthy balance is struck every week of giving it to work you know there's sixteen hundred people in Provo our students or kids in Provo are remote locations I remember in Virginia that we were doing like two hundred kids in California was anywhere between four and thousand but BYU's definitely the biggest cuz they've got the housing and facilities for it my my bottom line taken holding is it is an amazing organization at major function it does things for kids and is it me know like what I ever I went to it and my experience was great and I remember thinking okay let's I'm just rambling I'm sorry but when I would tfy I came home super jazzed about the gospel I mean my cousin my cousin who you know was not so much answer to me he came but that was she wasn't his thing so to speak he loved it I remember test for me he cried it in which I've never seen him do my best friend Shane when we got why he took his ac/dc CDs and like shot him with a gun you like destroyed I'm like got rid of all the CDs like for a 16 year old kid that's like a huge deal I mean it was like you know was life-changing it really wasn't it only lasts a couple weeks maybe and then we bought all the CDs back but to be able to get a kid to do that I think is very impressive I don't know Jon what's your well I I think it's interesting you said that because one thing I was really confused about is I thought it was great oh it was so I I went for years and I was kind of bug that we have to do cheering in the spirit fingers and the make kind of ourselves sometimes spirit we didn't really do spirit fingers I'm just I'm just saying you know I mean it's just it's just that kind of well that kind of thing we do Cheers and we do cheers all the time we likes kids vignettes yeah we actually had my group we actually did a dance to let's get rocked by Def Leppard I like I guess Shane's saved that CD yeah yeah let's go celebrate yeah okay but I was bugged by a lot of that stuff you know in I mean a lot of people really liked it I mean people had fun doing it yes so you know cool whatever but I my favorite thing about it was the speakers and the different ways you know they got me to approach the gospel and seeing things in a more gospel oriented way like day-to-day life I'm like this is really great what I was surprised about and you kind of hit this a little bit was the effects of the f why don't last very long and I don't really know why you know oh okay and it's because in my life at this happens me over and over I get super excited about some of the super jazz for a couple weeks and then it totally fades out I read a book about a year ago it talked about using that energy instead of like well let's say you have the goal and you're like okay I'm gonna do I'm gonna wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day and go work out or whatever go to the gym yeah you do it for like a week and then you quit right well their thing was use that the momentum energy or the energy you have to create a momentum change instead of a one time change so instead of instead of using that to say okay I'm gonna do this you want to you you want to use that momentum to make a lifestyle change mm-hm and so it was does that make sense really doesn't make sense if I can draw something really quick here yeah we rollin well I never I was kind of describing it there it kind of makes me think that you know if here's how you normally are after efy your users drawing a graph there's going to be enjoying an obscene picture so you get a spike in we'll call this spirituality and so it Peaks because you're coming off of this hi you're amongst all of these people who are like-minded who are encouraging you to do good things you come home and you think oh man I got to get rid of the ac/dc which I've done that too so you do but after a while it starts to wear off because do you don't have 1600 people following you around you don't have a counselor and a friend who's you know coming into your dorm rooms and hey let's go let's go do this let's go let's go you're left just yourself so you're gonna you're gonna come back down it's the same thing in regular spirituality but what I would be interested to know is do you come back down to the same level or do you stay or do you not drop down as far as you were meaning that's you you come back down but you're still at a level higher than what you used to be and so as that continues on you know you do start to see progress i'ma granted that the best type of a graph would be one that's a continual gradual climb versus the constant up and down up and down up and down but I think as long as you're making progress then that's you know it's a good thing so my curiosity would be are is this sort of thing happening for the people that are going there and if it is then I would say okay I can live with all of the ridiculousness the quote-unquote spirit finger the same boy you know the chairs and what have you if it is having an effect upon them because I have a nephew who went for the first time last year that we've met no okay I don't know what nephew that was yeah one of them Jacob okay so you have met him yeah good he went and he loved it there was a lot of fun for him but in fairness I mean this kids not a bad kid at all like it's a really good kid this was used like he used it as a say oh man I really need to focus on some other things so for him he is 17 he's gonna go one more year and then he's gonna be heading off on his mission soon you know the whole thing was it was to help focus him a little bit better and it is definitely useful and good for him someone like me I really really don't think that it would ever be a user value Tibet was guys what about what you're 14 you know that was my point back then I would not I want to know I wanted to like kind of run through the week with Pete like really quick to say like okay is this a positive thing will this positively affect your life or negatively affect you like you get there yeah wristbands you you meet your roommate you kind of talk you're like oh yeah ac/dc I like ac/dc and then right right there would have been negative meeting someone new would have been paralyzing for me at that age now yeah I wouldn't have been able to handle that that's thing one that's what I wouldn't have been able okay right that's that's a rough thing but 19 would meeting people someone be a positive aspect in your life I would think it could be it's something that like would be a like a helpful thing maybe not yeah maybe not easy but you know helpful and then okay then you meet your counselor gather together and then you walk with your counselor and the other group of guys and then you meet the group of girls and and then you talk and then you eat dinner and I think there's a dance the first night usually are they shouting okay okay Tuesday you start your classes and you can pick several different types of classes which I love the glasses yeah the symposium type yeah totally symposium yeah exactly and you look through and you know if I don't by the way to see where you fit him in yeah yeah and you like plan out you know some of your friends you know maybe you talked to some of the girls the email and and Tuesday you have field day if I remember right so okay what is it's it's like sport you do like kind of like obstacle courses and relay races and stuff and it kind of moves like the group moves around to different events kind of thing so you do that for a couple hours so that's that's kind of fun but be between field day and dinner you're probably gonna want to get together with your group because you gotta think of a name for your group yeah okay that crippling number three creativity first the first year we did it we were the kingdoms like we had to pick a kingdom in our group I think we were actually assigned the first year but we were the dynamite Kingdom and we were just assigned anyway the next year we was like I thought you were gonna choose like one of the three degrees of glory what is it yeah no we're the T left so Kingdom ya know the next year I think we picked the olympian generation because we were generations the next year we were camps I think we were camper van Beethoven or something or can't buy me love can't buy me love in the next year I can't remember so you got to think of that you got to think of like some kind of cheer that's associated with your with your group okay the next day okay then you have your devotional you have to pick a cheer yeah okay for number four right there our theme was like Rito's honor so our cheer I remember it did something sometimes return with honor honor with return like we make back see how I did that backwards no no that's a Jewish form of literature what's that coming yes chiasmus that's a key oscillator example of God thank you all right fair enough fair enough Wednesday you go to class you you find the the Jon by the way or the the Wilcox what were some of the other ones whoever's been black maybe I don't ever know you know so those are good then you continue work on your cheer and then you eat dinner it's better for you this time Wednesday night Wednesday night dance there's the Wednesday night dance and then you have your devotionally do ok Thursday breakfast class whatever talent show it was about I love the talents they were putting much of kind of show thank you you don't have to necessarily have to do a talent but there's something like that a group of like what three buddies was completely volunteer like right and they have tryouts like on Tuesday afternoon or something it's like Joe played definitely on piano making having audience sing and stuff stuff like that everyone to do pretty good yeah usually pretty good I remember one year these two guys did a Pet Shop Boys song like with the synthesizer a guitar like one girl her talent was playing the piano but it was like an act where everything went wrong and the and the pages was flying a lot of people like acts like you surprised how many 50 year olds have an act the first time they heard who's on first yeah me too actually what yeah so two guys do shit up on your parents for not showing that to you sooner I didn't know who the Beatles were took college shame on your parents like I mean you should parents don't teach fees on first that's a cultural thing they don't teach it to me but they they had me watch it they forced you Thursday Thursday night was testimony meeting ah yes test it there was a final devotional and it was a big devotion with everybody and then after that it is your groups testimony meeting always people volved yeah yeah and so they were emotion Moniz is what your if you're saying that what the people were testify was not true then that's not the case they were know that here's my salad with a crown like today a testimony me people cried that is totally different it's different the the thing that I've always had trouble with with people crying is why are they crying is that how they feel the spirit I have been moved to tears from time to time but that's not how I feel the spirit often times when youngsters bear their testimony they think that crying is a part of it because that's what they see some of the adults do yeah you see some of that there but I've seen guys cry where you would never see the cry ever and they cried these things well I don't know if I fully understand so they like pluck hairs to make sure that they're no they work themselves into a state of emotion and it's not really the spirit that they're feeling they're feeling emotion they're feeling the the build up of everybody else you know saying the same thing and whatnot so um okay but I mean obviously emotion is a part of it I mean we can't take that away from people know you well why can't we okay okay we should not take that away from people because I think it's valid who's your favorite character on Star Trek my favorite but okay fine anyway testimony meetings great it is these are good I will testify the efy testimony meetings are good okay then Friday comes and the big banquet dinner yeah that night and you dress up which means a tie yeah an off-colored Church yes and of course the final dance yeah the dance like you know you take a piece like we did candy necklaces and you'd go pick a girl for me to groove to be your fake date yeah you down the dancer you know everybody you know and then like the girls will like get a big hunk candy bar and like make a necklace out of it yeah so like big hunk or whatever but when you get one from a girl yeah I just heard Rhett say he loves big hunks I don't think it's that weird sounding okay so anyway so that's that's efy that was the education of obviously definitely positive spirits in your little graph which I think we should redraw and put our line I think yes having going I was at a higher level than I was previously never referred to before especially after and that's that's a positive thing as much as I would never have enjoyed something like that you can see the positive effect that it can have on people so I that's good if you want me to talk a little bit about more but the nitty-gritty of you for one thing I do say is the counselors man they're funny and the selection the selection process for counselors you have ten these interviews that's big stressful thing I remember when a girl I knew was trying to be a counselor she was worried because she wasn't a returned missionary would they let her in and she's like studied how kids the processes you have to teach a lesson you know wow okay and blow a bus lis try it was that because they're doing the devotional each night yeah kind of they leave you know yeah and they just want to see levels of spirituality they want to see knowledge about the sea you know well that's good important because I mean if you if you're dealing with a high energy crowd you don't want to mix that up yeah something like none yeah gospel oriented self and so it was it really was a selective process until the season started we were desperate for Celts our subway my interview people to beat Kelso I was like oh yeah let me find put them in they asked me to be a counselor week I'm like no I like my sleep and they gave me a I was in charge of the health counselors which are like EMT trained they don't they don't have a group but they're involved with everybody you know they kind of float around in there they've got their tea bags just in case and they gave me the radio so I could listen at night this is what I was after I lived with Jon but I was it was when I was at a difference Liberty Square and the radio would reach campus so I turn it on at night unless the counselors talk to each other and they before with each other but of all the counters I knew and I knew probably thousands there was one counselor I remembered there's one counselor Aaron thought manner she lived in Utah with totally dated her name is Jamie Morgan know what a who does sound like the first person I knew was I saw was Jamie Morgan I started church that was like yeah never one Ella that we were just really friends whatever else but Jamie was a really good counselor she was really good you can see that because you know yeah but she would keep the kids involved but also spiritual but also knowledgeable enough it was really good but Jamie's a teacher by trade yes she's know much yeah she definitely just went Julie with this was back before this is she was in college so but it was a it was it was overall good I think I thought to say buddy afore I'm like okay I have I have an activity for us to do if we're done with the FY um okay yes okay okay I have compiled you mentioned what was the theme of your here we believe we believe yeah and okay what do you think about that what last thing okay our logo was leaves with we believe it was kind of supposed to be the the sacred grove and you know you know well the leaf logo the artists who did it he took it off of like a clipart site you know it was free was fine well that same leaf was in the is a Stone Temple Pilots logo and so it was obstinate hats of some Joe owns a hat with the same bleep and when we got all the t-shirts in and all the stuff one of the guys that work the houses because you're right do you recognize this leaf I'm like looks vaguely familiar and an STP element just come out and we're like he's like check the second brother see they all like oh no because they've already got all the paraphernalia printed up but it was it was like hilarious and I think we had two people the entire year like Charlie connection which is that's less than a half percent I mean you didn't get the connection okay okay so we believe no way you're look you're after look at live when I was there was returned with honor shoot think you know pretty well gonna do I've compiled a short list of efy themes and I've also compiled a list of movies I found on Christian movies doc will to the side and also I've compiled a list of Lifetime movies of the week okay so I'm gonna say something you tell me if it's a Lifetime movie of the week a Christian movie Kong movie or an efy theme okay I'm gonna turn my head so that I can't see you because based on where you look on the page may influence it was very good deduction okay here we go okay it must be love I'm gonna go with the movie lifetime yeah lifetime yeah you got it okay more Christian I was gonna say Christian movies yeah he got it it's lifetime it must be love okay remember the promise oh that's yeah whoopsie oh boy that was I know that for in desert book I remember those bonus point for okay maid of honor I'm gonna say Lifetime movie with Meredith baxter-birney physical McDreamy maid of honors of MA yeah it was on lifetime so it's not me okay a vow to cherish okay a season for courage let's see if one efy I remember it every book that was 2000 no 99 yep change of heart Christian lifetime lifetime hards an are we even now the grievant yeah okay you guys keep traveling no I miss to crap down one go on dare to love that's I'm gonna go produce a movie nope lifetime lifetime dare to love okay time and again never ashamed Christian Christian movie sharing the light yeah why 98 no mm it was one of those times that I was maybe four I remember the song a little bit seedy every year stupid things so so it wasn't just the CD it was also the actual music book so that you could play the songs yourself okay random tangent this summer there's a concept series that's I think it's the sandy g amphitheater after girls played and alexis has no idea where to go is Wow there's oh no maybe was one of the members of Africa was speaking no that's what it was it was a it was a Sunday night see yes sing oh right and it said one of the members of afterglow and I started laughing I like had no idea that was it's funny because I was thinking about like - Oh mr. cool songs I looked up afterglow on Wikipedia doesn't Wikipedia doesn't know who afterglow is yeah but it explained afterglow it didn't really have the version of Jericho Road said there wasn't a boy band I seems like it was kind of a tease it I want to say um Jericho Road is of course I mean they were hot hit okay yeah after glows it was like the Barry Manilow go back okay keeping the faith yeah no no remember he's like you both said yeah okay the greatest gift if y ou six where the heart is okay no higher love no lifetime steady ensure the ofy okay in his steps Christian movie yes [Laughter] okay a mother's testimony can it be could it possibly be both yeah yeah it could be okay shout for joy give why nope Christian yes Christian movie yeah shout for joy end of the harvest Christopher efficient movie yes love thy neighbor crap yeah boy yeah why Chris boobie it's a lifetime you both missed it okay homecoming last time do you boy lifetime sailing home there's a fishing movie efy what does Sam say he'll insulin home I wasn't there that year it was 87 brothers had the music and I heard the music when they when they came home yeah why is that old like 82 I was the first yeah the time has come to save their just pay our rent now to pay our share the time has come nope lifetime efy first year 1982 the time has come he'll mother use that bad go on I I think was pre that dances for years before yeah I'm gonna go courage to stand strong oh it feels like EFY but it's too long last one was come along okay go with the F Y if Y it's this year's theme 2010 Wow oh my courage to stand strong more of me left uh yes something to sing about Chris Buescher yes thank you so worried [Music] labor of love EFY no there's a movie we've seated it's actually a lifetime but it was never an e FY fan there was it yeah that's easy you build them Oh PS while we're talking about these themes I sat in the meeting where we discuss themes oh yeah pretty much you're supposed to come to me with ideas and brainstorm didn't get a vote that was it really so like you were in charge of wait what was your so no one's going home praying about this great about indeed but there was there was probably 10 or 15 of us in the meeting oh we can just throw out ideas and go through just can't cross him off that's cool yeah because I would have gone to his list of Lifetime movies it's total I I wish I could man at the time I was like you somebody's had to do I totally wish I would have gone in with like pops I was only there through August that I quit so like I didn't do looking live I didn't work out at all except decide the theme okay they're only like seven left okay okay walk with me I feel like EF wise movie it walk with me o ZF wine and that was actually the first year I went I believe walk with Mogador walk with okay deep in my heart like I'm Christian yes no regrets cruises movie lifetime lifetime played the odds they're something to talk about and yes the Bonnie Raitt song everybody got a tape of that tapes I didn't get CDs a song for the season today I see that one no that's your plaid tfy lifetime oh there's gotta be one that's like got season in it though I believe we already said a season for courage which was the okay yeah a home of our own lifetime the road to redemption Christian movie yes a long way home that's a Chris diversion I've seated lifetime for my movie now you're thinking of on the way home which I want to talk about possibly next week I want some ideas for next week medical comfort enjoy your lifetime lifetime safe harbor oh that is efy yeah from the eighties no don't confuse it with sailing home safe harbor is a lifetime original forever my friend Chris a movie question EF wine forever my friend 1989 forever , my friend forever love Christian movies so we can use this all its lifetime okay one more loving life maybe that was don't really prefer the efy turn loving life that was a that was probably a last minute so anyway okay so that was it that was a good game yes we can't first of all next week lesson Oh next week's lesson is I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord or beware lest I forget I'm thinking about skipping ahead because of the whole full free last week where are you wait you can say well the teacher shows up whatever these that's true that's true like like anybody's really gonna be oh you're gonna tell otherwise we're gonna be doing the story of Balaam and it's just a little one-sided and I just that's really all up there is so I'm considering moving ahead with anyway something I wanted to do we have a listener who I'm gonna call her Babs because she hates it anyway she's listened to our podcast she's really enjoyed it and she was wondering if maybe we could feature future lessons and maybe talk about him I don't know if we're necessarily gonna do that but I wanted to throw an idea out to her because she's also a sunday-school teacher and she was essentially looking for ideas to use in her class commentable she started like two or three weeks ahead of us anyway so in in Joshua one of the things Barbara that maybe you could use is in talking about in chapter 24 that's the you know as for me in my house I will serve the Lord I think it you could have a discussion in there with your people about what it means to maybe serve the Lord and choosing the Lord over other things and get into a discussion about you know why do we choose to do other things like why do we go and watch you know Friday the 13th what is it about us that makes us want to go and watch those things and how is that contrary to choosing the Lord anyway that's just an idea to maybe throw out there to you and anybody else who's listening may be speaking up by the way no one goes see the new Nightmare on Elm Street because I really didn't think it was that great hey oh speaking of Barbara actually Barbara in the future tell us your lesson that you're doing and and we'll like we'll look at the lesson and we'll make a comment as if we were in your class this is this would be the comment that we then I would make no just just off the top it might be lousy it could very easily be lousy you know but you know you get lousy comments maybe you can work with it so yeah that's true yeah okay so yeah good to be hearing from you soon as far as next week goes for should we give the email address out there I couldn't find it on the blog the other day I put it on the blog recently okay I couldn't find it it should be on the blog now but go to the blog now the blog by the way is Iron Rodcast blog spot.com the email is just as easy if not easier to remember probably easier to remember it's just Iron Rodcast at gmail.com no the no the anywhere in there so just Iron Rodcast if you just search Iron Rodcast we're pretty much the only iron so you can find our information pretty easily as far as next week goes it's my turn to pick the topic again I'm thinking of picking let's talk about our favorite and least favorite Mormon movies both made by the church Oh made by people like not officially part of the church so we have we'll have one of each oh maybe three of each how about this your favorite movie made by the church or least favorite movie made by the church your favorite movie you know made by church members your least favorite movie made by church members and of course your favorite anti-mormon movie and your least favorite anti throw what everyone okay well anti-mormon or not made by not me by the church so like September dawn would be a good example the the movie about the mountain met with double ask her yes with Jon Porter which I hear is hilarious okay good and if you're hearing this if you've stayed with us this entire time you just heard the email address go send in your movies anything and I have a good story for those of you who listen this long so today a second we we had just was it was totally quiet and our Angela was sitting two people down for me she sneezed her says bless you Peter says the best part of it is his testimony meaning it was in like a two minute long yeah anything right now I felt bad because Angela got if you know anything about her you know she's white yeah she was you saw that I was laughing right I was like a few rows ahead a Dre was bite your arm at sis you would laugh that's all anyway okay till next week buying us [Music]

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