Monday, April 24, 2017

Rodcast 1: Genesis


Jon: Okay now let's start and I don't know who should speak I'll speak.

Rhett: I'll do it.

Jon: And I'll start hello welcome to The Iron Rodcast, which is I think what we're going for for this podcast that we're going to be... it's going to be an LDS podcast. LDS doctrine, LDS culture LDS whatever we want to talk about in this week it's going to be pretty...

Rhett: Is there a disclaimer?

Jon: Do you want to say the disclaimer? Go ahead, Rhett.

Rhett: I dunno. I'll have to read the... you know at the front of the books, all the LDS books where this is my personal opinion does not reflect the doctrine of the LDS church?

Jon: We should say that, yes.

Rhett: Which is funny because this is at the front of Mormon Doctrine.

Jon: Well, it's Mormon doctrine; it's not LDS doctrine. Mormon's just a nickname for the book so surprised you bring your Mormon Doctrine. Anyway we should say who we are. My name is Jon Madsen and clockwise-y...

Rhett: Uh, this is Rhett Weller.

Pete: And I am Peter Nash

Jon: And uh, I don't know why we decided to do this; I think we were just talking after church one day, I'm like hey we don't talk enough about the gospel so we may as well since we have so much to catch up on we may as well record it and make everybody else listen.

Rhett: Yeah and our discussions in the hallway after class they're always like way more interesting than...

Jon: Yes, that's the thing.

Rhett: ... discussions in class.

Pete: Yes and they're like the most the ones that should take the longer amount of time and we have like what 3-5 minutes to talk about it in between people walking through us.

Jon: Yeah totally. And plus I really wanted to do it because i am the ward executive secretary in our ward and as a result I don't go to Sunday School anymore, and Peter Nash here...

Pete: Yeah, well hold on a sec. You do go to Sunday School but only to come in and interrupt my lessons while you say "Oh where's this guy? Uhhh..."

Jon: All right Pete, that is true except for one thing. They're the Lord's lessons and so I really don't think you should be taking credit for such a thing.

Rhett: Lawyered.

Jon: Yeah. Lawyer. There you go. So anyway you're the gospel doctrine teacher, so first thing we're going to do... we're going to probably have two segments first we're going to recap Sunday School and talk about Sunday School and talk about all the good things of Sunday School and maybe talk about the stuff that we didn't we were afraid to raise our hands during this last Sunday School perhaps, and then the next segment is just going to be some random weird thing.

Pete: Hey I'd just like to stipulate here, I am one of the Sunday School teachers, one of the gospel doctrine... There is one other teacher; I'm not the only one in there.

Rhett: Okay.

Jon: Really? So, uh you tag team in there or do you just...

Pete: Yes. Just like the song, yeah. Oh that was lame. Yeah we take turns. I teach one week and then Annie will eventually start teaching as soon as we ever get a normal Sunday School, she'll be in.

Jon: Maybe she'll be willing to talk on this one day.

Pete: She might, yeah. I think I think Annie maybe would be.

Jon: Yeah. I'll have to listen to this first. We'll see what she thinks. Anywho, uh let's get into it, shall we?

Rhett: Sure.

Jon: This last Sunday School lesson was on what are we in, Pearl of Great Price now? I don't know.

Pete: Yeah, exactly. It's Old Testament this year and this week the major one, the major theme of it is the Ten Commandments but it wasn't just the Ten Commandments. It's essentially like historically if you can think about it, the Israelites have just come across the part of the sea and they've walked across and they're starting to make their way down into the Sinai Peninsula or along the Sinai Peninsula. And so they are going along and one of the themes that I wanted to try and capture in my lesson this week is like how soon these people are murmuring. Like I know we get it a bit before when like all of the plagues are coming along and they're like, "oh man why do you have to make us suffer through all these plagues?" you know even though they know that the plagues are coming for the express reason to get them out of Egypt.

Jon: Right.

Pete: But anyway they complain because they have no food, no water and they are dying in the desert. And so instead of saying, "Hey Moses, look. We, you know, we really need some some water what can you do?..."

[doorbell rings]

Jon: Oh ho!

Pete: Oh, our first guest is here!

Jon: Our first guest, yay!

Rhett: I don't remember where we were.

Jon: Pete was just saying that the Israelites were murmuring.

Pete: Yeah, they were like murmuring.

Jon: A very, relatively short amount of time.

Rhett: That's true.

Jon: Which I totally get, because I can't even go camping for the weekend.

Pete: In fairness to the Israelites, and I want to be fair to them -- they were in a desert and there were...

Rhett: They were already in the desert! They lived in Egypt!

Pete: No, no the E...

Jon: Well Egypt's just a desert, but I mean the Nile!

Pete: Yeah!

Jon: Did you hear Nefretiri in the movie, Ten Commandments...

Rhett: It's true.

Jon: ... talking about how great the Nile is? She compared the Nile to her own lips.

Pete: That's pretty amazing.

Jon: Yeah.

Pete: Anyway, they did need food. The problem here is the fact that they murmured and they were just complaining. They didn't bother to do anything to actually, you know, come up with a plan themselves or go to the Lord themselves. It was, "Oh man this is the worst thing ever. Like, you just brought us out here to die. It would have been better we would have just stayed in Egypt." And I just find that odd. Anyway that was one of side stories and then it gets into the Ten Commandments.

Jon: Well, it's interesting because I mean how many times in the Book of Mormon do they do they relate back to coming out of Egypt and what what does that really signify? Isn't that kind of a, you know, leaving the world behind and entering the kingdom of God? These Israelites, they were I think in a unique position because, like I don't think they were all unified in deciding, "Okay hey we're going to leave this life of slavery behind" were they? I mean...

Pete: I would think the vast majority of them would be. Granted we don't have a headcount of anyone who was like, "Yeah, okay I guess I'll just go along, so let's see how this carries out."

Jon: The thing about the slave -- I mean aren't there, you know I'm just kind of guessing, I had one teacher tell me once that, you know, to think about the Israelites time and ease that wasn't so much a slavery to the Egyptians but it was a slavery to their own laziness, pretty much.

Pete: Yeah.

Jon: They've been there forever...

Pete: Certainly. There's the aspect of "Hey I'm comfortable with this and I just want to stay here because I know this and it's not great, but you know it's livable..."

Rhett: "It's what I know."

Pete: "...and I'm okay with it." Yeah.

Jon: Right. Yeah, and I mean the gospel according to the Israelites, what they had then, I mean Moses hadn't even come down off the mountain yet. Their whole way of living, it wasn't just wandering the desert, but it was a whole new way of living. And it was a whole, you know, they were in the process of accepting the gospel, really.

Pete: Yeah that's one of the interesting things. I want to jump in here. Chapter 19 of Exodus and its verses two and three. Let me make sure I get my reference right here. Oh, sorry it's verses three through six. "And Moses went up unto God and the Lord, called unto him out of the mountains saying, thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel ye have seen what i did into the Egyptians how I bear you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people. For all the Earth is mine, and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel." So the Lord wants to essentially re-instill the covenant, so I don't think any of this is new what He's trying to do with them because I think that these are probably universal laws, what we have with the Ten Commandments. It's the same thing that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would have covenanted with the Lord before. So these people have been in Egypt for so long, and it seems like this is all new stuff to them. So that means they must have forgotten all of the covenants that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had made and maybe it just hadn't passed down along. So the Lord is trying to say "Okay I want you to come in here and covenant to be my people." And so in chapter 19, Moses goes through and starts to tell them, "Look here is what the Lord wants us to do. You guys need to get yourselves clean and then we're going to go to the foot of the mountain and you guys can't touch the mountain, but, you know, you're going to come up right up unto the mountain and the Lord is going to address you."

Jon: Uh hmm.

Pete: And so they go through the dramatic cleansing, you know, they have to clean all of their clothes, they have to get themselves clean, and then they have to present themselves. And then the Lord gives His words in chapter 20. So it's chapter 20, the Lord is speaking down from the mount to the people.

Rhett: Okay. Explain this, because I had this question today. The way I had understood it is that Moses went up there, got the higher law, came down -- they weren't ready, broke it, went back up and then got the Ten Commandments as we know it.

Pete: Yeah the Ten Commandments are the start of...

Rhett: The higher law.

Pete: ... the higher law that he's gonna get.

Rhett: So, so when he came down the... because what you just described seems very modern day... I mean you're talking about cleansing, you're talking about clothing, you're talking about things we know...

Pete: Yeah.

Rhett: ... as a modern-day, you know, covenants, you know, temple covenants, things like that. So was he preparing them for that?

Pete: I think he was. I mean if you remember, the mountain represents a temple, so I think absolutely you're spot on with making that sort of correlation. I just handed you a piece of paper which gives a very rough kind of a, like, outline of what's happening. So at the end of chapter 20 the people all say, once they've heard this, "Whoa-ho, this is crazy. I don't like the booming voice coming down from the mountain. Moses, you just go up and deal with the Lord for us." And so that's what he does. The people don't want to hear directly from the Lord because it freaks them out. And so the next few chapters chapters 21 through essentially, I think, 30.

Rhett: Yeah.

Pete: ... is where all of the the law is basically given. The Lord is giving this to them and by chapter 32 is where...

Rhett: That's when he breaks them.

Pete: Yes that's when he actually breaks them and then I think in 33 and 34 is where, chapter 34, yeah is where he actually goes up and gets the new, the new Commandments the... which is essentially the lesser law.

Rhett: Okay so so the...

Pete: Which is which as we know is the difference between the priesthood.

Rhett: Yeah. So the first time he got it all. The second time he just got the lesser part. 

Pete: Essentially, yeah.

Rhett: See in my mind I don't know why I never made that connection. I was always thinking he got up there and got just the higher... but that makes sense.

Pete: Like I was saying, I was making... I made the same mistake when I was preparing for myself. I was like oh wait wow this -- I'd completely forgotten about that. And I say forgotten because once i had reread it I remembered all of a sudden. Oh that's right there was the, you know, this was just the beginning in chapter 20 and it's not until later that, you know, all of the stuff really goes down with the golden calf, and that's when the lesser law really comes in.

Rhett: Okay.

Jon: Well that's a good, that's a great clarification.

Rhett: Did you know this?

Jon: Yeah, no. I always, yeah I always kind of thought it the way you've thought it, Rhett.

Rhett: Okay.

Pete: And if you watch the movie, that, I think, there may be, that may be part of the problem just because he goes up once, gets it, comes down, they're all ticked off and then he throws it down and destroys it.

Jon: Right, okay, but no true disparagement on The Ten Commandments movie because...

Pete: No no, it's a fine, fine movie. I absolutely...

Jon: Wonderful, wonderful film.

Pete: ... totally get behind that movie completely.

Jon: I uh, My favorite viewing of it was when I was in Israel and I was at the Jerusalem Center and everybody else was studying for the Old Testament test, but that was the showing of The Ten Commandments that night and I'm like I'm watching The Ten Commandments. I'm watching it in the big theater room. I was the only one in there.

Rhett: And what do you remember? That test? No.
Jon: I remember doing better than everybody else on that test.
Jon : Hey you should have watched Ten Commandments with me. Hey question. Um, back at chapter 19 I use the word peculiar in that verse there. Did the lesson manual or do you know anything special about that word because I've heard some interesting things about that word 
Pete: Yeah I didn't bother to really get into it but peculiar indicates kind of essentially it's you're supposed to be special, set apart, you know, elevated. You are... shoot, in the Old Testament institute study manual which honest-to-goodness if you guys want a good resource on the Old Testament start with that one because it just has some great stuff in there. They actually talk about that there's an article that one of the people who wrote the manual put in there that covers that and essentially it boils down to it is supposed to be some sort of special, you know, set apart. I think there's actually if you look at the Hebrew itself that it talks about how it's related to land ownership.
Jon: That's kind of where I was going a little bit. I'm thinkin' it was Jen Swindle who always used to say-- maybe we shouldn't use real names in the podcast. Who knows if people want to be associated with the podcast.
Rhett: Sen Jwindle.
Jon: Sen Jindle. Djwindle. 
Rhett: What did she say? 
Jon: She said the the word peculiar is based on the word pecuniary, which is related to money, or I guess land or like some kind of trading commodity. And what it means is this is a people who had been bought.
Pete: Oh. Yeah.
Jon: And the Lord, you know he-- it was through the Lord's intervention that he led them out of Egypt and that's what makes them peculiar. There's there's there's a transaction going on.
Pete: It's like the word "redeemed"...
Jon: Mm-hmm 
Pete: the New Testament. They talk about redeemed. You are literally-- Christ has bought you back.
Jon: Right.
Pete:You know you were in, you know you were owned by sin and Christ paid that price and bought you back for himself.
Jon: Right
Pete: There actually the I forgot that the the lesson manual actually talks about this. He says, "Note that in this context peculiar carries the meaning of being the Lord's own special people or treasure not the meaning of odd or eccentric." 
Jon: Okay yeah, because we always kind of, we always say peculiar people. We threw that that term around a lot in the last ten years, like, us as Mormons, like, "hey we're weird peculiar people but we're still pretty cool," when, you know, it's not like that. 
Pete: It didn't really mean that.
Jon: We're actually not cool, but you know we we have this...
Pete: Wait we can still be cool, we're just now weird, odd, or eccentric.
Jon: Right. We're not weird...
Pete: Not necessarily odd or eccentric.
Jon: Hey we're not necessarily cool either. I think that's one of our big weaknesses and we try to be too cool. We should be a little bit more, you know, dorky. 
Rhett: Okay.
Jon: Anyway okay. So was that the lesson or are we gonna talk about the Ten Commandments?
Pete: We can talk about the Ten Commandments. In my lesson what I did is I basically went through and explained okay we the world in which we live on today is essentially like the Telestial world. Like that's the the world in which we live. And so the Ten Commandments were given such that it could elevate us or bring us up to the point where we are now like the Ten Commandments are the Terrestrial law. So in order to  gain...
Jon: ... and I got someone when you are mentioning that.
Pete: Yeah so essentially wewe can gain the the terrestrial world kingdom by living making sure we live the Ten Commandments so what I did is I just basically drew up on the board and I said okay well let's talk about okay we've got the Ten Commandments what is

the teal Estill version of that and what is the celestial virgin so if you just are aiming for the Telestial Kingdom basically all you have to do is not deny the holy ghost or I think essentially kill someone and or shed innocent blood

and you're gonna get in like you could do anything else and you're going to get into the teal astral Kingdom and so we open registration yeah yeah you come here you show up you don't really you know well just don't do those two things

and you're in so the terrestrial Kingdom keep the Ten Commandments you get there and the idea is ok but we don't want to just strive for you know Tara show kingdom we really want to shoot for the the celestial what law do we have to

keep so if the Ten Commandments if it says you know don't have any graven images well what's the celestial version of that and so I think you were actually the one to point this out right which was okay well make sure you take his

image upon you Christ image like they talked about in Alma chapter 5 right and so we we just made those comparisons back and forth to finish out the lesson where did you where did you go for that by the way from an institute class okay

not my idea originally it was brought anderson who is my institute teacher of minutes genius as far as i'm concerned i mean it's interesting because I mean that that's that's more but that's philosophy it's like truest philosophy

right i mean i think we hear that alike yeah i can get by that and i can I totally support that but it's not like kind of a scriptural reference thing I think sometimes we kind of get bogged down with the like we're in the

scriptures does it say that exactly yeah what I really really enjoy about this is the law of Moses tonight I was bemoaning this fact the other night to you where I basically said you know I'm really bummed out that we don't get to spend a

lot of time in the law of Moses itself like the next couple of lessons that we cover it's going to go through a bit of Deuteronomy and it's going to hit a little bit of Leviticus and then we're done we've moved on from you know the

first five books of the Old Town I was thinking that when I'm like wait we're on Exodus 20 wait what month is this so anyway what I was going to say is this idea that the that the Lord is trying to get across to the Israelites because

they just don't seem to get it is look you're down here on this world and there are some things that just make you unclean and because of your uncleanliness that precludes you from being able to come into my presence I

think if it's phenomenal what they talked about when once I get into building the tabernacle is you know all of the rites and rituals that they have to go through to become clean to then essentially be able to gain entrance to

the presence of the lord and so the the 10 commandments the law of Moses are really to just get people thinking that look there are some things that make you unclean some things that change your nature such that you cannot be in the

presence of God and so he's a lot of Moses there as it talked about in Mosiah chapter 13 and then second Nephi chapter 25 where it was just meant to be a schoolmaster to teach them to help them understand look there is a higher law

that will come you know this is you need to become clean at some point along the way and you get there by becoming clean through the blood of the Lamb and I I really wish we could get into in Sunday School

some of that stuff but we just don't frankly half the time the Old Testament a huge huge huge book when you compare them to the rest of the standard one right it's it's up there I remember from how happy i started reading the Old

Testament when I was between sixth and seventh grades when I started reading the Old Testament and i finished the Old Testament halfway through my mission and I wrote it really big like in my Bible I finish this on this base this year sorry

I was I was leading up to a point here that I really wanted to make is that just like the law of Moses trying to get the Israelites to realize look come up to the next level we understand we have the gospel we understand that you know

we can live that the terrestrial law but let's come on let's move up to the next level what is the next level if you know you're supposed to to not kill well the Savior's taught us in the Gospels don't even get angry with people if you're

driving home in your mad because the guy in front of you is going you know the real speed limit and you're ticked because you want to be going faster and you start you know gripe an atom under your voice you've got a problem you need

to start correcting yourself in that manner so that you can start thinking okay let's move to a higher type of existence true thank you for that you pick the perfect example I was getting that of the guy on the lake home from

church so was I that's why yesterday if I came so readily I would kind of take it somebody who's just in my way yeah it seems like our neighborhood drive really slow you notice not well you're not supposed to be doing 60 down these

streets it's 30 oh really yeah well it's i think is about that much in our old neighborhood and smaller streets and everything and I don't know he really had no problems driving faster I'm they're weird yeah so

that is the bulk of what I covered in in the lesson today see ya it was a good lesson I really your take on it was really interesting because it was a different way to look at it I mean it makes sense to bring it down and say ok

there's different degrees of each commandment I I almost wish to speak about us because I want to talk about the individual Commandments or even the oh yeah you know I had some great stuff here on like Sabbath day observance and

land Allah tree that when I was taught this again some of this comes from my my Sunday School teacher I just kind of blew my mind here are some of the things that they that he brought up about like idolatry itself what can we maybe

quickly yeah yeah number one well okay let's start with the numbering of the commands I didn't know it's recently did and I was just looking it up online a couple weeks ago was the different religious number the commandments

differently a little bit um yeah like like in the Talmud versus you know the Catholic say which is what we say we're okay what do you think remember number one is that's how I have no other God before me wait this day job that we top

it off this way did we it's essentially it comes from the blog that you John sent me a link to about the guy who's reading the Jewish guy who's really responsible for the first little foot yeah like you you brought that to my

attention and so I think I think he mentions that specifically in there because it look it gives like then in all sorts of different order in different spots yeah it even run puts new ones in there in certain spots as

well and so I I'm we can debate all day on up but you know the first one you know the Talmud says i am the lord your god that's the first one and then the second one is you should know that goes before me where we kind of combine oh

yeah we do and then yeah closely idol yeah cuz we're a new is the one that says i am the lord your god yeah so it's interesting yeah i don't know i don't think we ought to get hung up to my BF because of the fact that what is the

Great Commandment in the law inna shalt love the Lord thy God okay all right well technically it's mike hear o Israel thou shalt you know which isn't necessarily in in the Ten Commandment well it's interesting that we actually

even call them the Ten Commandments it doesn't say the Ten Commandments see that's the right side I thought maybe it came from all the way yeah I often thought maybe it was moving no nothing but apparently they it's referred to it

when was I looking in there's some Latin references to it Oh Sarah Chad verum the ten words the ten statements of the ten things huh there's a Hebrew phrase refers to itself as a count of 10 ok so it's older than the movie well well also

in Deuteronomy or somewhere there are a series of Commandments it's tamara drewe and there are 10 of them and they are called the Ten Commandments yeah and they're totally different the in Deuteronomy go what we basically get is

we get a retelling of stuff that's been happening to the Israelites so it's a rehashing in a remembrance to them so as you look through the book of Deuteronomy don't like their I think there were something like five different speeches I

could be wrong on that number that Moses gives to them and it's to just reinforce everything that had been talked about up until that point yeah it's a doodle refund well in the answer that we get a min Mosiah from dinner dessert don't no

longer day revelations and I would say they're me like that I believe that they are listed in the New Testament as well but even in the New Testament they're slightly different well okay let's go this one so do we want to go through

them or or just hitting this on some well I have a couple questions on a few of them fine so we start with an easy one sure thou shalt not kill in and then you know the next chapter that he God commands his rise to go till bunch of

people the Mennonites if I recall um you know in Spanish it's it's murder mm-hm and it's Hebrew Hebrew its territory as well in the book more when it's killed why did he put murder I don't know okay well maybe the Spanish

are allowed to tell and the Hebrews are allowed to go so that it may be us English speaking people aren't a lot of job yeah we don't need a harp on that but I just I think it's the idea that life is sacred that's how I would read

it and see it while it is okay in certain circumstances for one to kill usually when the Lord commands it I think would think in general the idea of taking someone's life is like that's a big deal too weighty yes like even

within the law of Moses itself there are certain things that for you know not keeping these Commandments the penalty was death you know not keeping the Sabbath day holy death yeah and so I think that I don't know I I wouldn't get

too hung up on okay of them like that but that like that just left me no you're right I argue to their what's not you um there was an article i sent to both you guys well it was it yeah yeah the Vanity Fair I read that article and

I was very close to trying to take a stand like it was a harsh Brandon it would be really hard to bring up let's finish school the you know every minute i like the amazing because it's kind of their articles are well thought out

usually I mean for the worldly standards i guess you could say yeah even though I mean vanity not something that we you know what would like to which I think of we I mentioned in class today the definition of the word vain or vanity is

useless oh yeah yeah well as far as I would say that Hebrew translation of that word that we get in the Bible is means useless so wherever you see vanity or vain you substitute the word useless and

that's the appropriate translation um yeah there was a couple things to the article I want to real but I probably was just touching one or two of them but the funny thing is in his first like a second paragraph he was talking about

Kennedy history that she came home so a little bit you know how they were broken and then rewritten and then randomly in a sentence he just throws in he's like I was with the gold plates on which Joseph Smith found the book of mormon upstate

New York no trace of these original conflicting tablet survives it's like I just throw that in there randomly l's like what I completely missed that yeah that was in the article I'm looking at it right now it's a little to no this is

the third paragraph if that yeah he's just talking about how how they were broken and the tablets for putting area of the company says and that's what the gold plates it's like wait what why would he even reference that there's no

reason driver reason to other than obviously he was researching religion and K minus y it was it was so right on bizarre yeah I think it's refreshing to know that the Jews as well as the Mormons we we all have to act on things

we don't have the actual word of God written in stone or gold um yeah I'm within it you know his article it some parts of it made me think if I was a if I was a person of the world without you know modern day revelation how would I

seek to interpret the Ten Commandments the what about idols you know he even mentions there he's like well this seems to you know have no have no other goes it normally goes before me go with the idols which one's the idols where am I

that is the graven images are in the degree of an image a sealed well this kind of messes with the Catholic Church a lot with the crucifixions in their Saints it's like well yeah it does and that was a big thing on my mission South

America where yeah you'd hope pray to married and it was interesting Hughes live ago well you know he questions it all and so so yeah we know the answer that you're not supposed to but it was just interesting though one of the the

troubling things I can interject for a moment is with that article and that book the the guy about the the Bible who good book the bizarre hilarious disturbing marvelous and inspiring things I learned

when I read every single word of the Bible yeah which is again it's a Jewish man who's really advisable for the first time where i should say he's reading the the Torah right for the first time and as I listened to that guy that the

Jewish guy and the Vanity Fair article I was marveling at how much these people were saying look these these Commandments are useless they had they served no point in our society anymore not on all of them but on a good number

of them like commit adultery yeah I seem like now these are antiquated and they shouldn't be a part of our society at all and I was just absolutely taken back by that completely and I just I was not necessarily disturbed but I was really

really shocked to see that I suppose I really should I was shocked to see it from the Jewish guy not so much from Vanity Fair but it's surprising how much this idea of well that was written way back then and it can't possibly have any

meaning to us today because there's totally different time and you know those the same circumstances and things don't exist now I think what just because it's not the same existence doesn't mean it can't possibly have any

relevant and appropriateness in today's world mm-hmm I mean that even if you are you know not making a golden calf to pray to there are still things with which you make your God and that becomes the sole thing with which you you know

not well worship I I think worship is is an ok word to use their true um guy asked what's the difference between the first three Commandments I really think those three overlap and in a way that I can't really i only have between them i

would say the first two probably do but the third one I think is definitely different and we talk about it a little bit in in class today because we said you know don't take the name of the Lord in vain which

means you're using the Lord's name in some way whether it be to make an oath or a order covenant or you're just using it you know to swear with that's definitely different from no other gods and no graven images I can see the two

of those getting combined together yeah well and well I think the taking of the Lord name in vain is an extension of really the first one because if if you're taking the name of the Lord in vain if you're doing something in his me

but not being serious about it it kind of theirs that implication to me that you're doing something else that you feel is more important oh okay oh I want to see where you're going to say I couldn't see where you're talking about

now ya know anyway I mean it's good yeah 10 is a good round number I'm not complaining about the end of a madman I'm just saying the first three seem to blur together for me and I get a mixed up mmm yeah as has been stated many

times the first four Commandments are sort of like how your relationship towards God and the remaining six or your relationship towards man I don't know yeah I I see the difference between but then again I had to see the

difference between them because of my glass I had to teach them separate so I don't know um what okay what I want to stay here the graven images I had a thought this last week about it because I was reading atlas shrugged i finished

it which is a long book but I've second time third time yes the same type of it it was the last summer it was ten years ago but she and their talks about there's an interesting part where she's talking about man returning to his his

animalistic instincts and how it got me thinking I don't remember she actually wrote her if I was just thinking in my head but about how a lot of the graven images are animal representations and how that's pseudo ironic i guess you

could say because it's a base like in the hierarchy of we understand the universe we're above animals so why are we work to be something that's lower than s in the life-form now what a great point and

yeah that's really good I had never thought about that before and I I don't know why I check it out that book but it did and it was kind of like you know when you hear about these people you know worship mother earth to worship

things like that and don't get me wrong those animals or take your things I love animals and you know i love the earth but i don't i love to eat animals but i wish i wish p for the sake of the animals I wish you'd at least do them

the honor of killing them first finding a very different I'm going to be doing this stuff doin lad of Alex it that's that was just so that I had is it's kind of ironic that you know in it man's always searching for something to

worship but sometimes we go the wrong direction and like you know us sometimes we looked at as being arrogant to say we become gods but actually and they say what other God is like well in this scripture right here the Bible says thou

shalt know their gods before me that kind of insinuate SAT there are other gods and I don't think they're animals I don't I wouldn't necessarily agree to that I think the way I read it is much to say don't create your own gun versus

there could maybe be some other gods out there who knows Saturn may actually be a god what we believe there are ya believe in one God with a big chief yeah indexes it's a little G yeah as it is in the DNC but oftentimes well it's yeah they're

the subtleties between that are very very interesting especially when you get in talking about the Lord and I am in Jehovah as it's mentioned in the Old Testament really really fast okay stuff don't say there are three guns can we

say that you sure but I only worship one God so like history was this messy agreed I mean but I mean sure I when we talk about the Godhead yes we would say God the Father God the Son and God the Holy

Ghost but I mean I mean Jesus Christ we worship Jesus Christ you know maybe it's weird of me to say that but I don't know that we do hi because worship to me aight i worship and prayer very very heavily into each other and sharing

that's a good way i would never ever think to pray to Jesus I I would only ever pray to God the Father God our Heavenly Father I should say the stick in Texas i am the lord thy god that's Jesus yeah it's one of the interesting

event and the confusing part is because of the fact that jehovah is the god of the old testament but he's speaking for the father i do and there one yeah yeah i think it's you know it's kind of funny sometimes we as Mormons get a little bit

arrogant you know and we were talking about like other christian religions and like they believe in trying to be or whatever and like a success just absurd i mean so obvious like the way we see it is so obvious I don't think it's not

obvious I mean it is true but it's not obvious I'm with you ok uh any other Commandments father and mother what's up jerks well and the Vanity Fair article made a good point of why are there no commitments for the father and mother

respecting their children yeah yeah I'm number another oh yeah because you get parents who are either what's worse a bad kid or a bad parent yeah I think that yeah it will have even gets into it in the lesson manual it talks about okay

well what if your parents are wicked like they do wicked things should you still honor them and the answer to that was yes you should still honor them it does not mean that you have to participate in their activities or that

you have to you know hold them in high esteem but you still should honor your parents in righteousness give you I get to make a point for genealogy here and work for the dad and things like that in honoring

the father mother oh yeah that's actually kind of a cool allah na way there i would have never made that connection because i'm not on the fan of family history i'm not at your business but yeah I think that's uh that's

actually a pretty good comparison I recall agency family history any career it'll be done by somebody I've always told my parents I'd look you go and do the genealogy stuff I'll go to all go through the temple for them like I'll do

the temple work you just find them in the genial wolf my mom and dad would do theirs I wouldn't have to do mine but um kind of a well similar though the commandments were giving them that the one article brought this up was it seems

to be property-owning men who are these cramps are giving to you if you have specific you're looking about coveting and brands low and bearing false witness but it's it's assuming you own stuff you know especially on the Sabbath day you

know it's talking about don't let your your son or your daughter your wife or your manservant or anything do this you know covet your neighbor's wife and neighbor stuff and so it's like was this given to the priesthood can you see that

or I don't know I think it's very clear that there was some sort of slavery or not necessarily slavery but there was definite indentured servitude yeah the ultimate student manual slavery talked about this a little bit where they were

basically saying look in certain circumstances some people may have wanted to join the house as not necessarily a slave but someone who was a worker who was responsible to the family head because it offered some sort

of protection to them ah now I i'm not going to suggest by any means that there weren't actual slaves in that we're owned by the Israelites because I think there were I it's a little confusing in my mind as

to why such things would be a lab but then again I have zero information about what it was actually life back then that I don't want to stand back and say look this is total crap and this is the reason why all right I don't think I

don't think that necessarily invalidates all of the rest of the stuff that goes along with it but no it is a question that I've had many times is why with slavery allowed and the best explanation I've ever seen is it's not necessarily

the slavery that we think about from the south okay well put okay okay my last question I think this is another thing with Vanity Fair brought up I believe and I thought this was kind of understand and really think about this

before ok we have we made a differentiation between the God commandments and demand Commandments but first nine Commandments there's another differentiation first nine Commandments are strictly action-oriented last one a

thought oriented yeah the only thought crime doctrine response it would he call oh look at oh yeah go on uh what's all that wow yeah I had never I have never seen him like that before right and I mean crimes he said you know lusting and

you know what's in your mind you know he real off out of fun but tail end of the commandment if it's right there and it's just if it's very simple and it's kind of unique like I mean do you think you know the Jews were like I can't even I

can't even want that and coveting I mean all these big things like oh yeah murder adultery of course right of course obviously um coveting is something that even today even with the higher law it's really do it will we do it all the time

you know I mean look I'm sitting there looking look what right have you have an iphone in his hands right now I'll one I want women what do you want this one yeah I was illegal it's nice way to go I was looking to see if I had me

quotes here handy about coveting like the in the lesson today is the best thing I could I could come up with a say that you know coveting isn't necessarily a bad thing to want something isn't necessarily bad it's the wanting of

things that aren't necessarily yours and our things that you know you want just for the sake of wanting uh-huh to desire to covet righteousness i think is an okay thing I think that's absolutely ok but I want your righteousness that I not

sure where that one comes in because then you're essentially saying yeah I really really want that but I'm never going to bother to do anything about it right so you coming it like I covet the phone I could break end up breaking two

Commandments because my coveting my lusting after it so much could cause me to break one of the other Commandments by stealing it from wreck yeah and so it's I I'm glad that you mentioned that because I had never thought about that

as the only thought one right yeah that really is there and this could lead you in all sorts of circumstances like I could see me coveting over something causing me to lie steal being adulterer kill I don't know about the honoring the

parents but definitely turning it into you know not worshipping God or graven image because I then start to worship the phone with which I now know and I can surf the net world it's almost like the Lord gave those first nine

Commandments and and put the covet one in there it's kind of a buffer against all of the other ones so that's like his nice and tenth amendments to the Constitution I can't remember those those are the ones that are basically

say look just because we didn't necessarily state any other one doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't other you know right people like the people have yeah true okay huh get rustic bad the Ten

Commandments any unread no I'm this ball I want to talk about to the night um and and i think it's interesting i hope that shape didn't nothing like us on there but uh the thought just popped into my head yeah we uh we tend to associate the

pen commence with the lesser law but we do they really alive and well right i mean when you get your temple recommend interview that's one of the questions and you know ten commandments and you know it's not to say give me the link

week rice expounded on them it even necessarily say these things are gone we still live the Ten Commandments and and that prepares us to really live higher than that I mean we can live higher than that if we want to but I mean there's

still part of the religion the thing that the Savior took away when he came was the law of having to actually sacrifice yeah animal that's what was taken away because he became the sacrificial lamb at that point and now

what we have to offer up is no more you know the lamb to the actual altar we offer up our selves our broken card our contract spirit and so that's that's the Ten Commandments are still valid absolutely in the gospel true okay cool

alright well should we wrap up Ten Commandments conversation sure all right well let's talk let's just go right into conference then I don't know if we have can I do my lab itself of the day okay Brett's random thought of the day I've

got about that one boy well it came from a kid from elders quorum today up um the the topic day was the Holy Ghost and I was like okay or is this the only language where we call him a ghost because you know the Spanish use the

spirit in Latin is use a spirit in I assume other languages zones in the spirit and then I was thinking about the actual etymology of the word go etymology etymology of the word ghost it's not it doesn't feel right like the

word ghost doesn't feel like where this should be an English word that make sense like like there's certain words in our language that don't belong in the English language we've kind of been adopted or transmogrified from other

languages okay to quote Watterson uh that's right and I thought it was fight so i looked i did this after church day i was looking up the the entomology of the word ghosts and things like that pretty much his spirit in its old

english and it came actually from the german which is Geist and and then poltergeist exactly that's part of it and also you're rid of a zeitgeist like the german we talked about that yeah I have actually I've heard that word I

don't know what it is because Google does they publish the zeitgeist and the zeitgeist is what everyone is looking for is kind of an overall being or sensors are mostly spirituality because that makes the jump a little bit too

much but it's kind of related to the word Geist although Geist is guy stood spirit like the translation from English to German for spirit is Geist you would say guys so that's kind of where the word comes from so pretty much it is a

spirit and it should be holy spirit and it always should be holy spirit and every time we say ghosts and it wasn't until the mid 20th century the word goes night maybe sometimes a toilet century where the word ghost meant a beam from a

dead like a dead corpse the essence from the dead corpse before that it was oh really yeah it was yeah I'm trying to look it up I had looked at all up earlier and I see definitely call the means of a dead corpse before yes it

wasn't as much or literature yeah exactly and so it's kind of bins from the only but it was just sinners community sounds like because you said in Sunday School the whole you was pure clean but things like that so I'm

looking at clean ghost except its spirit like if there was a justice and the English language it would be spirit we would say holy spirit all the time and not used for Jose it's weird the connotation today if I say the word goes

to you you do not think good thing yeah sure yeah well I mean will we shouldn't say spirit like I've always kind of thought you should taste great let's another weird thing about Mormonism it seems like we say ghost more in Mormonism and to be fair I think we do say spirit that's not like we're only saying go stand down we do but when we say the sprit like you feel the spirit are you thinking the Holy Ghost like if I think there would be New York extras

always broke that's all it's like we should start saying I feel the coast I'm just concerned referred to as the void spirit from now on see you see if I trip people up no no that's good now Hamlet he sees his dead father yes what were to

be using that I don't know was hit with who cares who who wrote Hamlet thank you they do ok so moving on we'll have to maybe we should have like a buzzer whenever on the pot can we say holy ghost we have we give up our like a

secret word or something oh and we're singing holy spirit now okay I can live with Holy Spirit I know I understood you could say ghost it's okay i just think it's a that that words kind of changed over the years often I go out of my way

in my Sunday School lessons to say ghost as often as I can sir too well okay here's the thing I mean not necessarily in referencing the holy ghost though you said I mean the word ghost has changed originally my spirit so maybe what we

need to do is not what is in and say spirit but that's why I say we should say I feel the ghosts until I bring ghost back into wisdom every time for us use the German version of it yeah hey guys guys ah yeah I feel the guy so much

it's he's lucky Whitney with me people looking one in our oven would really understand what we're doing but yeah it was the word ghosty it was referred to as the essence of the dead person but it I don't know I just like today is taking

on such a cos ghost ghost ghost is bad you know it's an evil spirit wear it ghost is not anybody yeah pac-man yeah yeah yeah oh man think of Ghostbusters for real could the Ghostbusters come and take the Holy Ghost oh my god Wow

hopefully a definite broke one of my filter reaction to it that was an XKCD a couple months ago what is it so the Pope was for reading the Ghostbusters like you know now we're gonna have to I mean we have the Trinity now what are we

gonna do just like a duenna d what are we gonna call it you know you're not a bogota photo yeah because the Ghostbusters they ex towed away the Holy Ghost but I mean I don't know why the Pope was complaining any and they just

have them into containment grid thing and they could just shut that off again what is it it was ok so are we moving on to our next segment next segment which is a second end concluding sec including segment which is talking about

conference because conferences last week and I peed I think what's your idea to say I don't know if we should say what our favorite thing about conference was or a favorite talk or a favorite I have a couple quickies yeah I didn't have

anything specific I just thought you know this it's tailor-made since conference literally just happened last week it seems like it would you know we ought yes meant to say something about it true okay let me say a couple things

first may as well yeah I'm kind of talking can I just say probably my favorite talk when we lay out a context for this I just barely moved into this new house with tea and we're in north salt lake and before I lived right

downtown near the conference center and so usually for the priesthood session of conference I would either walk to the conference center or walk to the tabernacle or walk to the stake center just to the northwest just kitty

corner to a conference in to the conference center and that's a really big stake center is plenty of seats there and you know that's what so I'm here and a free of my friends are meeting in that stake center am i okay i

just barely moved here the whole reason i walk to that stake center to the tabernacle is because i could walk there they didn't have to deal with the traffic and with all the people everything there's no way I'm driving

back over there through a parking and conference traffic I'm going to find the stake center around here I'm going to just go in till 15 minutes you know before priesthood session starts I get in the car and I start driving around

looking for the stake center here I find three churches I don't know if their stake centers or not three churches within a bout a six or seven block radius all of them abandoned and you know by this time is about 7 or 6 10 and

right out canvassing the opening song can't find anyone I see I start driving south I go all the way into west valley assigned to sources there is the West Beverly and you not end up in west valley because I also gave up in west

valley finally out of frustration I I got on the freeway and I drove way across town all the way across the freeway or all the way over to the east side bench to the institute building where I knew it would probably be

playing I walk in at like seven ish 7805 it and you better believe by this point I am really frustrated I'm angry cuz out of my mind just you know I can't believe this would happen you know and again your skin is starting to turn green

you're tearing off your guys yeah I'm like I'm just trying to be a good person here good priesthood and in essence very very impatient I'm like okay I'm gonna walk in the top better be good whatever walking in and I walk into elder

uchtdorf talk on the patient and and and and he laid it out for me he's like patience isn't something you just suffer through any anybody can just can just live through something patience is it I forgot my notebook I wasn't able

to take notes but I remember his the essence of what he said was pretty profound on me that you can't just build through troubles and pass it off with patience patience is what you deal with those troubles and so I thought it was

very very good for me anyway and so that was like my favorite moment of conference that I had to go through all this garbage to get the patient's talk and then right after that President Monson said this is probably the best

priesthood session we've ever had and I'm like I missed most of it the other thing I want to mention and this was something president monson said at the very end but I heard this word a lot and the word he said he said or did I put it

down prison Boston president walks at the very end he pursue no no no love afternoon session and I'm come back good and he I just have a couple notes that I was down at sets trusting the Lord he said it seems like today the world has

slipped off its moorings and then he gave a list of stuff that you know we should avoid and one of the things he said one of the words I was a word called permissiveness and I heard that word from several other apostles at

least I seem to have heard that word and I was wondering if we could get a definition of what permissiveness is ah good dictionary boy it's a religious dictionary ok so the quote was I'll Rita for you says permissiveness immorality

pornography dishonesty and a host of other ills caused many to be tossed about on a sea of in and crushed on the jagged reefs of lost opportunities four-footed blessings as shattered dreams this may be a bad

time to bring this up but there's this really cool detachment song called FIA's then it's really it's actually pretty bad time but you know this talk i remember it was very poetic yeah yeah I mean I'm gonna tie in the slipped off

the mornings and then the you know sea of sand crush how the jagged reefs of lost opportunities that's shattered dreams that's really good the Munson I think he seems to be steering a little bit more in kind of the poetic language

then he's always been that way he's always been that way well I guess I guess what I'm saying is that's why i oftentimes don't really enjoy his talks because they seem almost too contrived I he spent a long time trying to get that

way versus elder Maxwell who also did the exact same thing like you could tell he won but it seems as though there was like his higher education like he was trying to be like really really really deep with you know trying to find the

right a litter a Shinto use right right well I mean I mean what I meant to say is I'm hearing it seems like some of Monson's uh talks are a little bit less story wool you know generated it in a little bit more we must have read out

that out right I mean how many old lay with it since we've been 35 how many widows in his neighborhood dizzy visit and we haven't heard a story is this book yeah well I'm just saying it seems to be more than inspiration it seems to

be more prophetic yeah you know it was a good point like like this this is a tilde interesting stories that have the morals but now it's like he's speaking of the Prophet it seems there seems to be a difference to me here's the the

webster's oh no sorry random house webster's unabridged dictionary says permissive habitually or characteristically accepting or tolerant of something as social behavior or linguistic you

that others might disapprove or forbid or number two granting or denying permission as in a permissive nod three optional for genetics of a Cell permitting replication of a strand of DNA that would be lethal as a viral

segment or eaten gene I guess it was talking about the mutant gene the biological halogen the synonyms that are listed here kind of interesting indulgent lenient lacks okay and so what I like about the word permissive in the

way that he's using us here is look it's we're basically lazy in the way that we're just sort of allowing things to happen yeah we're not necessarily you know saying that they're good or jumping on board with them but we're just

allowing them to happen and well there deal over there I'm not going to speak up totally and maybe the reason I heard this word maybe it stuck out to me so much is because and maybe I'm not the right person to hear this word because

I'm extremely judgmental and so uh but I kind of thought um you know I've heard other people talking about conference and like you know one person I kind of randomly heard it referenced some other top that I don't remember very well that

was more along the lines of you know live and let live allow people you know give people the respect you know don't don't don't be judgmental don't you know just kind of you know left the world do you love everyone you know and accept

and I think as a church we kind of taken that a lot lately might say lately I kind of mean the last 20 years and I think the culture of permissiveness has used in a bad way and I've used in the way a president monson is speaking is is

a very kind of if we think about a very worldly kind of culture cultural thing like right now if I have some friends who are struggling who may not be living the Commandant said to the level that I know

they could be living and I know that they would be happier living I am culturally afraid of bringing it up to them of saying you know what you could be better you know let me help you with this I think we are a little bit afraid

in this day and age of saying it's coming across her that's judgmental you know you know I hear exactly what you're saying and something that I think makes the difference is what Tanner brought up or the phrase he used when he was

quoting his dad in class today he said it's not what you say it's how you say it because I think a lot of times the way in which we come off to other people is judgmental yeah as in like sandy magazine wow you are just an awful awful

person because you're wicked you are just a wicked person instead of approaching it from the standpoint of saying hey look man I noticed this about this thing with you I you know or maybe say hey you know I'm sorry I'm not going

to participate in that because of these reasons you know and just be open up front but not you know judgmental to the point of standing upon the tower and pointing down at men in a state of you know mocking even yeah well i think i

think it's just culturally people are a little bit scared about that and i think people are also too sensitive I think you're being judgmental and we should not be judgmental we should not be looking down on people I think the big

difference is you know why are you telling something to somebody is it because you love them or is it because you love to make them feel bad but a lot of times you know best intentions you know we struggle with it we say that we

know there's something we can say but people are still offended so you know maybe I should be first person to say that if if anybody has a problem with me I'm gonna try really hard not to be offended go ahead

you can lay it on me I probably won't change my life but you can lay it on me and maybe I'll just say it over the internet airwaves right now and maybe other people will be less sensitive in and we could be as president monson want

this to be less permissive and we can help each other instead of you know taking what i consider the low road and just letting people do whatever they want um the talk given to talks before that one by elder Schweitzer what's

called developing good judgment not judging others and that was actually the one that I well remember wells what I was covering Yelp action we so now let's talk about what comes of like AG I really like that one um and I think it

all comes down and this every you know whenever I've had a problem with someone hey yeah I get along premature every now and they're so he just bugs me to death I just want to kill him i hit the goods I try to remember that they are he it's

cliché to say that their son or daughter of God so I try to think that their son or daughter of loving parents do they have some mother and this happened on the mission i had i got all agree with almost all missionaries i had

one companion I want to kill him was it you know the year and half into my mission and this guy was he had huge issues and it was just bad you know not and I'm not saying it was weird that it wasn't like he was going out and

fortieth girls and drink anything that it was it was random bad i mean like throw rocks at dogs like what am i doing you don't stuff like that and like he would leave me like we'd be riding our bikes for that I got off to to tuck my

pants in my sock so when you count the chained he was a mile away by the time I liked up his random you know he went prayers and there was a whole susur's I want to talk about him all but I had a hardest problem and then finally I I

realized you know what his mother loves him and I didn't know she did her I'll be shit but I assume his mother loves him he was there you know because of her sacrifice and that he has hopes and

dreams somewhere down inside of him wasn't just this big jerk that I thought he was and so that helps me to not to love them but not judge them if that makes sense right so I met then when it when they talk about White's what he's

given that talk eat you know he talked about Mary Martha and he talked about oh no I don't we talk when he talked about there was a couple that came in the waiting room that we're all shabby-looking and you know he kind of

judged him until the guy said dr. will my dear wife be all right or something to that it like hit him that these are you know sounds done for God but I always try to think you know but but that's in and being the permissiveness

to allow allow people to sin and loving them at the same time and not allowing them like not having this our sin of allowing that is really it's really interesting it really in other words to go with that if I could mention one of

my pet peeves about judging there are times when we actually legitimately should be judged all that that's one of my youth deputies ruin don't judge don't judge and it's always the people who are sitting or really bad people always say

don't judge I'm like I don't want to be judged and the commandment is not judged less to be judged the commandment actually is or description i'm gonna misquoted its judge righteously or there you have a righteous judgment it exists

exact it's hard to obtain but it exists well the point i want to bring up is more of look you're given a situation you have to judge between whether or not this is an appropriate place for you to be able to should you be here at this

party should you be hanging out with these friends the answer is probably no but that doesn't mean you need to stand up in the middle of the party or pull your friends you know up aside and say look you are a horrible human being and

you're a sinner in your wicked and all of you people are going to hell you can make your judgment and say okay look this isn't the right place for me or the right people I should be hanging out with I'm just going to politely leave or

politely not hang out with these people anymore I think judgments are appropriate and should be used the problem is when we get on the quote unquote high horse and make it our business to judge someone with respect

to where they're going to be ending up eternally that's where I think the real problem is I'm with you yeah yeah definitely but in the thing is i like talking about this I think it's great to talk about this because yes we need to

we need to love our fellow man sometimes that involves washing or hesitant well being of being Frank and open and upfront with an insane look dude I think you have a problem in this regard yes and that is the hardest thing that's

very difficult to do and it's very difficult to hear on the other side if set to do unless you have someone who you're very very close with as an example my friend Joey I can tell the man almost anything and I have on a few

occasions where I've just said look dude you're wrong on this and you need to get on the right side of this yeah when it comes to something relating to the gospel and I was up front and blunt with it it was truth I was not me sitting

there saying look you're a horrible human being and you're gonna go to hell for it although i think in general he's going to go to hell but is that it was I had to tell truth to that person at that time right well I have no problem

telling truth to jelly because even my mortal enemy oh you know no problem there no problem there and to our listeners joey is he's probably my best friend and he and I do a podcast together we've been we do a lot of stuff

together yeah he's okay okay but I mean just what I'm saying simply saying you know I won't judge anybody or anything in any situation it's the easy way out is permissiveness it's permissiveness yeah yeah okay anyway did you have

anything more to say about that no it's weaker okay these the idea of permissiveness anti permissiveness that should be taken with the talk that Rhett gay because it's a fine line there are two directions to go on this and

they're both wrong a lot of times we don't realize that a lot of times we think I need to get this person on the right way I need to be a judge in Israel I guess and I need to say this and they have to hear this and other times we say

well it's their lives I'm not going to interfere both of those are wrong so okay so I want to just mention and that I think elder holland is awesome all right like there is not a subject that man isn't willing to tackle multiple

times his talk again was was in relationship to sexual sin and he's done this a few times now anyway I just like the title soon anyway he he tackles really tough issues and he gets to like the real heart of the matter and I

really really appreciate that from him one of the talk so that really meant the most to me was in relationship to in the priesthood session I don't remember whose name I want to say he may have been a counselor in the in the bishopric

or maybe he was a member of the seventy I don't remember that anyway he was the one who was talking about because Hollywood he is it was an apostle the other Lewis um anyway he was talking about how he was assisting elder eyring

in doing a signing out mission calls Mozilla res man elder Osman thank you this is a talk on this I can't wait to hear what you have to say anyway he goes through he talks about how the way in which they were doing the calling of

missionaries it wasn't as though they were saying okay well we've got these 20 missionaries and we've got these missions that need 20 people okay we'll send each right here these IPOs eat right here Owen we're done mm-hmm

I think I only divvied out 15 but you get the point the I loved hearing how there was definite thought and the spirit and the Lord were involved in the deciding of where people go that they literally looked at each missionary read

through the material that you know we also had our time filling out and it was definitely revelation that said where these people were going to go and I that meant a lot to me because my mission call list of Scotland I wanted to go to

Scotland so bad hi really I just did did I loved it and I didn't ever tell anyone that's where I wanted to go and so when I got my call I thought holy cow how did I end up here this is like so amazingly awesome and i loved this talk because it

reminded me about the fact that the Lord called me to a specific land and it wasn't just like the wishful thinking of man I really hope I get there and I got there but there actually is revelation behind those mission calls and I I just

really really enjoyed hearing them talk about the manner in which mission calls happen and how you know he even himself as he was going along finally caught the spirit of it and was able to you know finally say okay this missionary should

go to this place and this specific mission and he knew and I really really enjoyed that that's why I was called to the Shire ride along I I had worried were you able to get that ring back okay where the land of Mordor then I'll do

later um what nobody's did it yeah actually I did the same thing with my mission I didn't tell anybody this but I really wanted to go to a really awesome awesome place there was also English speaking and so to kind of I didn't say

I liked want to go down the kind of counterbalance that I said I really want to go I really want to go in the United States because I thought that like pseudo humility would kind of you know kind of like when Calvin like you

know writes the letters to Santa Claus my name is reversibly allah ki kind of me it was like one of those kind of things so uh I went to New Zealand and and it was great and but you know the scenery kind of wears off after a little

while and then it became it doesn't Scotland as well after about the the third day of walking in just torrential rain yeah you're like okay great it's green I get it now yeah thanks yeah that's so yes so ella was with me say

I'm like oh well you know what I guess there are good people here to let me ask you did you feel did you get a kind of general sense of there was a certain over only type of missionary sent to your mission that make sense like a

personality type name or a little bit yeah no I will tell you this i can i can you put a room of like 50 guys it from you saying what is misha age which is chilly i can pick him out yeah i really can bat like the next podcast today's

been here this ought to be good just ambition great game that's the third segment like like honestly like well and the what happens now is in a lot of since the mission last 10 years so like I'll be someone like oh yeah he was in

the thought it was a sub Tyrese for so yeah that makes sense like they just click when we got that toy make sense and I don't know if it's the experiences change how the person's now or if it was the personnel attempt to get called to

that mission but it means like Jeremy Jeremy was in my mission so he got home six months before I got there I didn't meet him until five years ago yeah but like that toy makes sense like oh yeah he's definitely i guess i could see that

you know i mean it could be a bit of both I mean cuz you know i mean the mission even though I barely remember my mission is good haha it's you know it's one of those things that you know that affected the rest of my life of course

1920 will one no matter what I would have beautiful probably would expected the rest of my life pretty heavily look um we'll only don't say another question I real quick can you tell a stateside missionary from when Don sees dad mr.

know right oh gee I'm not saying it's a bad or good thing I'm just saying you can't it's just different effects different oh you're trying to make some sort of freakonomics poison here a little bit no I'm saying that you know

when elder rasband was sitting in the media with elder I mean I respected said you know yeah there was cover of lishka certain I think certain people fit in certain places I think you're absolutely right so I and don't get me wrong you

can mix and match them you know I did notice that moron like Nisshin when you could tell apart the recovers okay the converse oh yeah but I was going to say actually the elders who came from small towns personal she came from cities that

was a really easy one to tell too because just the small towns like everything no matter what it was was a bigger deal and the city elders were just kind of like him and say I can barely tell what I could tell i could

tell those who were born united states and those who were born in Chile that was easy yeah even it there was that one Chilean missioner that we're like wait why are you here seriously why you almost seems a baby in Spanish I just

think it's I don't know that's all I'm done okay um one more thing I want to say I said I wanted to like in the future we're going to have the sunday-school segment they're going to have the weird random segments and I

thought of a couple of weird anyway so can we call it peculiar this is a peculiar segment okay fair enough that's good perfect um how about this um some topics maybe I'm throwing out there for future okay let me go everybody hears

them and they want to prepare something and we asked over the discussion okay yeah okay first one uh where did lehigh land and where was the action in the book of moron a lot of there are a lot of different weird series about this so

that's not so much a dachshund on 11 it doesn't matter so much but fun to talk about right we all have our theories yeah let's see how much meat is too much meat pacific quantities here um why are Mormons

Republicans I see I know it's a very high raking the Democratic Republicans who did like they're not they're all not yeah yeah no we're not all Republicans right we're not all right that's true but the case in point Harry Reid right

and Harry me but here's the thing though we're not already publicans but your condiment you have a majority you know what's interesting we've all heard the you know how the Constitution is going to hang by a thread and it's going to be

the elders to help you know hold it up it's interesting that it would be a Mormon who actually was the one that ended up putting it you know beyond assure you zing did you hear that Harry dancers will soon okay here's a good one

what was the question for how much meat is too much me after that what was Republican wanted Republicans okay okay okay um I show up there well I'm not going Peter Peter denying the Christ they never denied the Christ right I

know it's weird I'm sorry I do believe me anyway Cephas denying the crimes um one time in Sunday School we talked about how you know we give him a bad rep for that some theories i think president kimball actually said perhaps Christ

told him to so that you carry on the church you know throw that around what's your stamps on that what's your theory i might very cool okay uh was Christ married follow-up question how many wives do you mean if Christ was Mary and

commenting wives could he made me have had right right okay and hymns that don't rhyme that's a big one for me about his the cell like popular music yeah that's a good one for get Laura on the alarm for that

was a great one Pete this one's for you the proper method for passing the sacrament oh yeah yeah amen well hey wait wait wait will you say method what do you mean uh passing it around the road you don't believe in that no no no

no I do I I'm fine but anyway why don't you join us for that and you can hear my room go on right um and why do we have to show up to all three hours of church maybe we should go public this next hi fuck buddy list well what defines

property attire oh that's right because I didn't change the related years of the cherry headland yeah and so I mean like really I mean the stuff they wore in the seventies should never have been allowed uh-huh it was hideous the blue and the

Browns lapels and the right guys this is four times moving come on I would love to go back and wasn't even come like turn of the 20th century you know with the whole breasted with the kind of bow ties industry and the hat I just over

with oh yeah we were talking about it today people told me I should wear a hat because i have a Lincoln beard and they wanted me to wear one to church I'm like I can't believe it's really really I think you can wear them to church it

even those who don't worry a lot well what you're saying oh sorry we jumped in there too too early there that's a good that's a really good topic right I look forward to that one okay yeah okay well anyway we'll develop some kind of email

ID and I developed I'm gonna wore my cowboy boots to church today did anybody notice not really nope another black and there china but they look better than my church everything black people don't notice you wearing cowboy girls oh I was

just about to say you know what I can actually have my purse not even for I'm sorry I didn't know you burn those it don't do it okay fine anyway I guess that that wraps it up we don't have an email address

we don't have will get one yeah we'll get one will get by ten dollar boo boo uh we don't need a domain we got a blogspot my hook or whatever that's what the beauty of gmail is for sure anyway this has been the first edition of the

iron Rock half clever name huh / 11 2010 right and it's going to be probably april fifteenth by the time this is a burger all right anyway yeah that's good you

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